Oh, Great Spirit whose voice I hear In the wind, whose breath gives  life to the world. Hear me, I come to you as one of your many children, I am small and weak, I need your strength and wisdom, may I walk in beauty.
Native Prayer.              

Hau, Mitakuyapi, All my relatives, I am a Sicangu Lakota from the Rosebud Sioux Reservation in South Dakota. I would like to share my beliefs and thoughts with you. I don't know if I am right or wrong, I just know that this is what I have seen and felt...
My whole life has always been a struggle. I have been knocked down to the ground and stepped on, but here I am. I humbly stand before all of my ancestors and say Thank You, for letting me see what I was put on this earth for.  I know that all of our ancestors didn't struggle and suffer for us just to live in oppression.
I look at some of our people today and all I see is sadness. I know there are many Native people who are walking a good Red Road, but there are many who aren't. But who is to blame for the oppression, poverty, and violence that lies within our entire Native American society. We all know that there has been many broken promises, many broken treaties, many many murders against our people, but we can't continue to be defeated and held down. The attempted Genocide has failed, we still have our cultures, we have our languages and we have the same DNA that ran through our ancestors, flowing through our hearts. I don't think that we have anyone to blame anymore. Our Grandfather teaches nothing of revenge and hate. Our ancestors knew nothing of chaos and hatred, we didn't ask to live this way, but we can put and end to the vicious cycle of chaos that torments our people. As we walk this earth people will try to hold us down, and take away our good red days. We have to remember that our ancestors never gave up, they just realized that there was too many people with hate in there eyes. Today there are some good white people that will listen and as we come together to make our ancestors and our people proud, the trees, the waters, and all the living things on this earth will sing songs of peace for us. And together we can make a difference.
My Favorite LInks:
Grandfathers Land Wounded Knee In The Spirit Of Crazy Horse
Mitakuye Oyasin Citizens Alliance Native American Rights
Click On The Flags Below for Info about the Rosebud Sioux Tribe and the Yankton Sioux Tribe where my son's ancesotrs are.
Click on the Pictures below for the TRUTH
Tunkasila (Grandfather), Guide Is Through The Many Injustices Of The World.
Page Created by e_denoyer@hotmail.com