Irwin Juckes Johannesburg rainfall trends

(Updated 31 March 2009)

The season 2008/2009

The current season had a slow start with no rain from July to September, and each month from October to December  below average for the month. However January to March were exceptionally wet. This pattern is to be expected while the Southern Oscilation is in the la Nina phase - cooler and wetter weather from December to February. 

Rainfall records for Johannesburg, South Africa, as recorded by Irwin Juckes from 1983 to 2009.  The recording site is in Edenvale, Ekurhuleni, on the east of greater Johannesburg, and about 10 Km from OR Tambo International Airport.

 If you have recorded rainfall trends, contact me now, or click on for more information on Johannesburg rainfall trends.

Johannesburg is in a summer rainfall region, that has experienced cycles of drier and wetter weather of about 9 years each over the last century. Compare these cycles with my rainfall records from 1983 to 2007.



Area comparisons

Annual Rainfall

Rainfall by month

Rainfall this season

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Early rainfall history (reference)


Recent rainfall history      

These published statistics are for the period from the start of the 20th century to the early 1980's. The rainfall records in this website, recorded in Edenvale, Ekurhuleni, on the east of Johannesburg, begin in 1982. The expectation was that the 1990's would be wetter and the decade of 2000 drier. However the pattern seems to have become less consistent. Could this be due to global warming?