

Differential Equations and Reality

Note: Reality may be unknowable. The use of the word, reality, in this page, refers to transformations of the "ultimate unknowable reality" to which no human has certain access when in ordinary states of mind (experiencing this ultimate reality may be via ultimate states of the brain as a culmination of the meditation process). Modeling this transformation is necessary and sufficient. Since humans can know only a transformation and if the mathematics predicts events in this transformed world where is the physicists need to know the "ultimate reality"? Whatever experiments are done to validate the math model will have to be done in the transformed world and the "ultimate reality" will determine the outcome of our experimental setup in this knowable framework anyway. So, this page only deals with modeling the transformed world correctly first and foremost.Wolfram Schommers deals with the aspect of knowable and unknowable reality.

Roger Penrose writes in his book The Road to Reality [1] that,

Einstein suggested the following:

One can give good reasons why reality cannot be represented as a continuous field...
Quantum phenomenon...must lead to an attempt to find a purely algebraic theory 
for the description of reality. But nobody knows how to obtain the basis of
such a theory.
Here, one may remember Einstein's famous saying [2],

"As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality." 

"God created the Integers. All the rest is the work of Man" -Leopold Kronecker.

Differential equations and Reality

When equations arise from using physics involving x and t we use dx and dt and higher derivatives of the same with the necessary conditions on them of continuity among other assumptions. The elements of Continuity will be examined here.


The lower spatial limit of the Universe maybe the Plank length = Ss (String size). Using this to combine with Calculus, in the form:

Notions of continuity, [ Limit dx -> 0 f(x) ] * Ss, where this Ss
is the mathematical statement amounting to: If dx >= Ss then discretise, else print solution...or an algorithm in this spirit .

These ideas seem related to String Theory as a unifying theory of the Weak, Electromagnetic, Strong and Gravitational forces, eliminating the sharpness of Quantum foam and allowing for a smooth transition from Plank size (10 -35 meters) to the classical size we are intuitively more familiar with, say a brick.

Also, could integers, the set of numbers: {-N..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3,...N}, where N is large and finite, be used alone by mathematics with no fractions? That is, to do away with Calculus. This need thinking over, surely, at the least! The Road to Reality by Roger Penrose, makes mention [3] of various ideas that have been proposed by thinkers, for e.g., by Ahmavaara (1965), who suggested that the real number system, fundamental to the mathematics of conventional physics, should be replaced by some field Fp, where p is some extremely large prime number..."Perhaps we should be seeking something of a character fundamentally different from the real-manifold setting of continuous spacetime of Einstein's theory and standard quantum mechanics depends upon."

Proposal: (Castles in the Air?)

Spatio temporal reality be defined by the Diritchlet look alike function, where D(x) = 1 if x = Natural numbers, and D(x) = 0 if x is irrational or rational with divisor not = 1.
Such a function may or may not satisfy the Fourier series requirements of a piecewise continuous function. If it does then such a function can be represented by Fourier series. This may serve as the link between the real ( discrete) world of physicists and the continuous (Platonic) world, of mathematicians such as Cantor. possible explaining why/how the equations of mathematics approximately models reality. Further it could provide a justification for continuing the use of continuous differential equations, suitable for modeling and manipulation, and the mapping to the discrete real world made finally for exact (precise) interpretation of the equations as they pertain to reality.
It may be possible to generate a purely algebraic system of mathematics, where "going over to the continuous world" is not required anymore.

Implications/Summary: If quantum theory does represent reality its discrete model should be used to represent gross matter too requiring a discrete mathematical tool. Further, once an appropriate math tool is used the Universe theories be put in place using inter-connectedness explicitly. This will require large funds and can be done privately by clever enterprise.


[1] The Road to Reality, Roger Penrose, Vintage Publications, 2005, Ch. 3, pg 62.
[2] Collected Quotes from Albert Einstein
[3] The Road to Reality, Roger Penrose, Vintage Publications, 2005, Ch. 33: More radical perspectives; twistor theory.

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