"I hope you like it!" credits

Thanks goes out to:
Big Country
For making great music, being great guys, and their kind comments about this site.
Jan Bremner
For providing information from Country Club.
Robert Oliver
For helping me with the frames, providing banners and being a great 'rival'! :-)
Ian Ingham
For providing lots of server space for the 1st 2 years of this site's life.
Tom Kercheval
For sending me "Valiant" and donating the Colin Berwick interview.
Terry Bissessar
For sending loads of stuff via email in his e-zine "Encompass".
Steve Bullman & Mike Lynd
For donating CDs, reviews and useful information.
Kathleen Tibbetts & Kevin Wright
For providing me with the lyrics to the Skids "Scared to Dance", "Days In Europa" & "Joy" LPs.
Iain Middleton
For sending me several cover scans for the Skids discography pages.
Julian Carter
For providing details of the Skids LPs "Days In Europa" and "Joy" and sending me a tape.
...and not forgetting everyone who has visited the site and signed the guestbook!

"Hey where's my name?"

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