The Big Country "World Map of Fans"

World Map Of Fans
Canada USA South America Great Britain Africa Europe Asia Russia Australia New Zealand USA Canada | USA | South America | Great Britain | Europe | Africa | Russia | Asia | Australia | New Zealand

Click on the area of the map that you wish to view...

You will need a Javascript browser to use these maps such as IE5 or Netscape (iffy).
These maps are diagramatic and should not be taken as accurate. All locations marked are approximate.

Most fans marked are subscribers to the Big Country Mailing List.
The client-side image maps for the "map(s) of fans" on these pages were created using Mapedit from Boutell.Com.

If you would like to be added to a map, use the form below:

Application for the Big Country Map of Fans

Full name:
Email address:
Date of Birth:
Gender: Map applying for:

N.B. Only press the 'send' button once (you will not automatically receive an acknowledgement).
I try to process submissions within a month but sometimes it may take longer - please be patient!

people have come this way since
21st November 1997

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