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Hi! My name is Ferazi Sydney Outback, but you can call me Sydney for short! This photo was taken the day I came home, too. Look at what a cutie I am! I was eight weeks old, and I wasn't the least bit afraid! My mom says I am one tough cookie. I came from Ohio, too... Runner is technically my uncle! Neato, huh? I agree with him, Jutta is terrific!

I was so excited to be in a place with another IG! Runner was so good to me... he showed me all the ropes! Mommy and daddy did not even attempt to put me in a crate at night; Runner had already broken them in, so I was in the bed from the get-go! I have my daddy wrapped around my paw... daddy calls me "Big Guy" and says I am his pal. I love my mom... but I'm a daddy's boy!

More pictures of me... click any of the small images to see a bigger version!

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But mommmm... I feel so sillyyyyyy..." Yep, she got me too! I can't believe she likes these hats! Oh well, Runner and I got a really yummy treat for this torture we endured! (Okay, it wasn't THAT bad... but can I have another treat anyway?)

Pucker up... it's my first birthday! Runner told me this would happen, but I didn't think mommy would ever do such a thing to me... I was wrong! She really enjoys these silly hats... but it's all worth it in the end! The cake was worth every humiliating moment!

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Here's me in the middle of my most common activity. I give all the kids a bath, every day -- my brothers and all of our occasional visitors that mommy calls "rescues!" Here I am giving my brother Runner a bath... as you can see, I have to hold him still, because he usually squirms and whines until I'm done... sheesh, some reward for trying to help a guy out!

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