Say "I Love You" Without Words

Sometimes its fun to express yourself not with words but with your actions and emotions. You must have said "I Love You" to your sweetheart a million times but have you tried saying it with your eyes, with your touch, with your actions and with your heart. Well try these sweet, fun, thoughtful, silly, romantic ways to show him how you feel about him. These actions will tell him how much you love him and what he means to you. After all love is caring and compassion.

  • Call him up at work atleast two times, once to ask him if he had lunch and second time to tell him that you are desperately waiting for him at home.
  • Go through his closet and sew on the missing buttons of his coats, shirts, and pants -- then let him find out on his own.
  • Reorganize the clothes in his closet so that it's as neat as (or neater than!) yours.
  • Keep a track of his appointments, assignments and remind him before hand.
  • Buy his monthly public transportation pass in advance so he doesn't have to wait in line once it expires.
  • Apply your favourite lipstick and kiss a bunch of post-its and stick them in his briefcase or folder that he takes to work.
  • Take over a chore that he hates doing.
  • Write "I love on the kitchen table in grapes, cherries, or whatever his favourite fruit is -- then leave it there for him to find.
  • Keep the refrigerator stocked with his favourite ice cream.
  • Put heart-shaped ice cubes in his drinks.
  • Rent the first movie you ever saw together, and then watch it with him while eating the same food you had on your first date (if you remember what you had on the first date of course).
  • Bring him breakfast in bed on a rainy Monday morning. Then coax him to go to work late or to take a day off.
  • Make a collage of the goofiest photos of the two of you. Frame it and hang it up in your bathroom.
  • Draw a cute picture of the two of you with crayons and tape it to the fridge.
  • Make him the meal he loves that you can't stand.
  • Pick him up from work one day and take him out for dinner or to see his favourite movie.
  • Wear the earrings he bought you to a family function; show them off and praise his taste.
  • Bathe him one day. Give him manicure and pedicure and also proper body massage.
  • Do a seductive dance for him when he's stressed out.
  • Occasionally let him win when you are playing a game or sport that you're better at.
  • Be nice to his mother the next time she tries to give you marriage advice, even if it kills you.
  • Write sweet messages on his back with your fingers.
  • Don't say anything when he does something "bad" -- like licking cake batter off the spoon, or raiding the fridge at midnight.
  • When he asks you if you think he's gained a few pounds, keep quiet.
  • Laugh at his jokes, even if they're not really funny.