Home Dangers

There are many dangers to purr-babies in your home. Some you many already know and other you many not.

The Kitchen

The cleaning products like, dish soap, floor cleaner,etc.are very dangerous. If it says keep out of reach of children. That it's not safe for purrbabies either. If you keep cleaners in a cupboard make sure your purrbabies can't open it. When you are using these products remember to make sure your purr-babies are not around.

Stoves are another danger. When you are cooking remember your purr-babies love the smell of food. Treat your purr-babies like a small child don'tleave them alone in the kitchen with the stove on. They don't know that the stove is hot and can get burned.

Garbage cans are very dangerous. Purr-babies love tolook though them for treats. There are many things that can hurt them though. Likebones, plastic bags, foods, glass, and other things you have thrown away. Keep you garbage can in a closet, under the sink, or make sure it has a locking lid on it.

The Bathroom.

There are many danger in the bathroom. Many purr-babies drinkout of toilets and toilet cleaners can make them very sick.

Medicines are deadly to purr-babies remember if a bottle has a child proof lid. That doesn't mean your purr-babieswon't get it open. Keep all meds lock up away from your purr-babies.

Other things in the bathroom are dangerous too. Hair spray, nail polish, nail polish remover,etc.Dental floss is dangerous too. Purr-babies eat it and it get stuck in there digestive tractand they can die

Living/Family room

There are many danger in these rooms too. Electrical cords are one. Purr-babies love to chew on string. They don't know the differnt between string and cords. To prevent them from chewing on cords you can rub some bitter tasting stuff on the cord. Your locate pet supply store will carry it.

Blinds are another danger. The strings used to move them up and down are very dangerous. Purr-babies can chew them and break them. Then they can eat them. The ordiments at the bottom of the string can get stuck in there intestends. Keep the string up out of reach and cute the ordements off.

The Garage.

The garage is very very dangerous. There are many deadly thing init. Anti freeze, oil, cleaners, bug spray. There are also things like nail, screws, and otherthings your purr-babies can eat. Keep your purr-babies out of the garage if all possible.

If you think your purr-baby has eating something deadly contact your vet, vet hospital, or poison control center a.s.a.p. Do not induce vomiting.You could be doing more damage