
Welcome to IDS Jobs!

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IDS Jobs is a one-stop shopping experience for university and college students and grads who are looking for a job in the international development and non-profit sectors. Here you will find a clearinghouse of links to organizations, job banks, internship opportunities, and government resources to help you gain the upper hand in your quest to enter the international development workforce.

The site is organized by theme, and subdivided by geographic region to assist in ease of navigation. To help you better utilize the resources a small blurb accomanies many links that tells you what to expect and allows you to better organize your time.

And remember, IDS Jobs is entirely organic, if you know of a resource we've overlooked, or of an organization that needs to be included, please let us know! We strive to be your best tool in finding the career, internship or placement that suits you best.

Looking for other information? Let us know that too. Whether it's information on living and working overseas, links to websites on passport and visa issues, or links to information on individual countries, we will strive to bring that information to you.

And finally, we can always use some help and would appreciate any web-building skills that you may have. Drop us a line and we'll see just how far IDS Jobs can go.