White Feasts

Just as black is the colour of mourning and of death, white is the cast of fear. Ghosts, faces white with terror, the plumage of predatory birds, the flesh of the deadly fungi Death Cap and Destroying Angel. A white feast, the table decorated with pallid sugar sculptures modelled on funerary monuments, illuminated by dim light from pewter candelabra, lilies and waxen magnolia exuding their heavy scent, would surely include white truffles, pale asparagus, sole Véronique, pellucid whitecurrants, soft fleshy Brillat-Savarin—undoubtedly the aesthete's cheese par excellence—and the nectareous wine Château d'Yquem, its flavour the result of the mould allowed to form on the grapes, the very essence of pourriture noble.

— Stephen Calloway, Divinely Decadent




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