Immaculate Conception School
Eighth Grade Graduating Class
Name: Michele
Name: Savanah aka Savy or Dolly
Here is the eighth grade graduating class of Immaculate Conception School for the school
year 2001. Congratulations to all and best of luck to you in your new school next year!
HoW mAnY yEaRs At I.C.: 1
ScHoOl NeXt YeAr: PoPe JoHn
FaVoRiTe SuBjEcT: sCiEnCe
ClUbS: BaSkEtBaLl TeAm
FaVoRiTe TyPe Of MuSiC: rAp
FaVoRiTe AcTiViTy: TaLkInG, GyMnAsTiCs,
PeRsOnAl GoAlS: HeLpInG hAnDiCaPpEd KiDs
PeRsOnAl MeSsAgE: ByE gUyZ, I'm GuNnA mIsS
yA'lL nExT yEaR :( 143zZz Me
Name: Christina
Name: Joe "Trelly"
How many years at I.C.: 4
School next year: Arlington Catholic
Favorite Subject: Science
Clubs: Basketball & Math
Favorite type of music: Rap
Favorite activity: Shopping
Personal goals: To be a doctor
Personal message: I wanna say bye to all my
friends, i luv u guys & will neva 4 get u!
How many years at I.C.: 3 in all
School next year: Malden Catholic
Favorite Subject: Science
Clubs: Drama Club, Math Team, Student
Council, Chess Club, Basketball Team.
Favorite type of music: Rock
Favorite activity: Sports
Personal goals: To become rich and successful
Personal message: I'll miss all of you guys and I
hope to see you all again!
Name: Emily
Name: Katy ~Kat~ Kak~
Name: June
Name: Sebastian
How many years at I.C.: 10
School next year: Pope John
Favorite Song: Blink - 182 - The Rock Show
Clubs: none
Favorite type of music: punk/rock
Favorite activity: hangin out with my friends
Personal goals: to go to an art college
Personal message: Bye class of 2OO1!! ;) Miss you all
How many years at I.C.: 5
School next year: B.C. High
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Clubs: Drama
Favorite activity: Hanging out w/my friends
Personal goals: To get into a good college
Personal message: Bye to the class of
How many years at I.C.: 9
School next year: Nazareth Academy
Voted : Best Singer
Clubs: Drama and Scrabble, also Basketball
Favorite type of music: pop and rap
Favorite activity: Singing, dancing, and acting
Personal goals: Being a famous singer/actress
Personal message: "It's something unpredictable, but
in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your
How many years at I.C.: 9
School next year: Pope John
Favorite Class: Science
Clubs: Student Council,Basketball
Favorite type of music: Rap
Favorite activity: Shopping and goin out
Personal goals: To be a Pediatrician
Personal message: I wanna say bye to my friends
and i'll see you over the summer. Luv you guys!
Name: Silvio
Name: Mike aka MJP
How many years at I.C.: 10
School next year: Malden Catholic
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Clubs: Math and basketball
Favorite type of music: Rap
Favorite activity: Playing basketball
Personal goals: To make it to college
Personal message: Bye class of 2001!! It's been
fun and I hope to see you all again.
How many years at I.C.: 3
School next year: Pope John
Favorite subject: Science
Favorite song: I Wanna Know
Favorite type of music: rap and r&b
Favorite activity: cheerleading and dancing
Personal goals: to become a dance choreographer
Personal message: bye class of 2001, miss u
all lots, hope 2 c u round BuH bYeZz * 143z*
Name: Shannon ~ Shan
How many years at I.C.: 2
School next year: Revere High
Favorite Subject: Science
Favorite Song: I Wish
Favorite type of music: hip hop/rap/r&b
Favorite activity: Softball
Personal goals: To own my own beauty salon
Personal message: Bye class of 2001, gonna
miss u next year, hope to c u again. BuH
bYeZzZz!!! *143zZzZz*
Name: Meredith ~ Merri
The Middle School teachers.
Thanks to our teacher!
How many years at I.C.: 10
School next year: Arlington Catholic
Favorite class: Science
Clubs: Basketball
Favorite type of music: rap and rock
Favorite activity: Basketball and soccer
Personal goals: to be a professional basketball player
Personal message: Bye class of 2OO1! I'll miss all
of ya...143...
How many years at I.C.: 10
School next year: Malden Catholic
Favorite sport: Hockey
Clubs: Drama and Math
Favorite type of music: Rock
Favorite activity: Playing hockey
Personal goals: To become a President of
the United States.
Personal message: Bye class of 2001. I
hope to see you all again.
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