::Kursor Tutorial 2::

Before and After

~Tools you will need~ Fonts: Impact, micro.

Step 1: Open all bgs and av in psp , increase colors to 16 million.

Step 2: Colorize grey bg to hue:140 sat:20.
Step 3: Colorize guy to hue:19 sat:20.
Step 4: Copy and Paste as new layer bg on top of av.
Step 5: Erase around guy to settings you feel comfortable. Merge layers.
Step 6: Copy and paste as new layer bg2 on top of av.
Step 7: Go down to layer pallete and go to blend mode....change to Hard light.
Step 8: Erase around guy again..settings to your likings i usually keep it at size=20 and change opacity=50. erase till you get a slight shadow effect with the bg.

Step 9: Copy and paste as new layer bg3 on top of av.
Step 10: Go to layer pallete , blend mode, and switch to Overlay, and drop opacity on it down to 50%.
Step 11: Erase around the av just so the grid is in the upper right corner and lower left corner.
Step 12: Once done bring opacity back up to 100%
Step 13: Copy and paste as new layer, bg4 on top of the av.
Step 14: Set blend mode to hardlight and bring opacity on it down to 50%
Step 15: Erase most of bg so there is only a shadow around the guy.

Step 16: Go to your text tool....font=Impact, stroke=none, fill=white, size=42. add the first intial to your name so that it looks like he is sitting on it.
Step 17: Add drop shadow to it horz&vert=1, opacity=100, color=black, blur=1.
Step 18: Promote it to layer, set blend mode to overlay and bring opacity down to 80%. Merge Layers
Step 19: Go to your text tool again, this time font=micro, size=12, stroke=none, fill=black, add your name to the upper left corner. Select none.
Step 20: Select your line tool, the dotted line, color=white, draw a line under your name.
Step 21: Final step, go to colors>adjust>brightness&contrast...brightness=-2 contrast=12. hit ok
Volia your done!! add anything you like, hope you had a blast!


Kursor & Klicker Copyright 2002