I am seeing more and more butterflies these days. Whenever I go outside I see one floating gracefully on the wind. Many have even landed on my arm, hand, or head. I always feel touched by my Mom's loving presence whenever I see one. She loved butterflies when she was here on Earth and now that she has passed to Heaven I can still feel her loving spirit touch my heart when a butterfly glides by. I think that she must be riding down on a butterfly's back every so often to check up on me. I have no doubt that she has become an angel in Heaven. She was always like an angel to me while she was here on Earth.

    I am sure that most of you know more than one person who has been like an angel to you at times. I know many people who have been like angels to me although they would never admit it themselves. The truth is that each and everyone of us has the qualities of an angel within us. We just don't choose to use them, share them, or grow stronger in them. Look deep within yourself. Look down to the very core of your being. Look past all the pain and scars of your thoughts and feelings to the very center of your soul. If you look deeply enough you will see the angelic love and joy that still lies within you. It is up to you, though, to choose this love and joy, to bring it out of yourself, and to share it with the world.

    We are all angels. We are all children of God. We are all beings of love and light. We can deny this truth or we can welcome it into our hearts, minds, and souls. We can forget who we really are or we can become the wonderful, glorious people God meant for us to be. We can live in misery and despair or we can choose and share love and joy for all of our days. We can ignore the angel within us or we can be an angel on Earth and later in Heaven.

    The Angel in You

    You don't see her, but I do.
    Each time your eyes twinkle
    I see her in you.

    Every time you open your heart
    With your kind and gentle ways
    I see in you an Angel
    Sent to smooth the way.

    I don't know what I did
    To deserve such a friend.
    I thank God for you, my dear sister
    My Angel until the end.

    I hope that when you look
    To me for comfort and for Love
    You see in me an Angel
    Sent from up above.
    as time is the perfect now,
    healing all doubt of yesterdays,
    It's the part of us that's giving,
    The part that's so refined
    The part that's made of only Love
    The part that is Divine.

    We are Angels to each other
    Whenever we lend a hand
    Or dry a tear or sooth a wound
    It's all part of His plan.

    Reach inside your heart
    And you will surely find
    Part of you that is an Angel-
    So loving, warm and kind.

    (two weeks later)

    Aloha dear sister Karen,

    It was wonderful chatting with you and feeling your energy. This time I needed your love and light. Sometimes I so miss all of you thinking how wonderful it would be to heal my depression and to be able to speak my love to you. I just couldn't seem to break thru to that side of me.

    I just finished a sculptured art piece that is of my lifetime when I was with Jesus. He is standing with a crowd of people all dressed in long robes. I learned that when I was with Jesus, I must of lived in a cave and would do wall sculptures where the images would shift and change as the light from the fire would reflect on the wall.

    All these years, I was looking for something that I am just now beginning to understand. The art is of a sunburst.. like a sunflower, yet at night it changes into amazing images that is always changing and reflecting new images.

    I decided to entitle the art "BEING THERE" as indeed I was....imagine a girl from Kansas being from ancient Jerusalem and Mother Mary was indeed my mother. How humble is that!

    For a long time I saw happiness as a huge banner across the finish line of a long race. I felt that only when I accomplished certain things could I finally relax and be happy in my life. Most of the time I felt like the tortoise hoping that "slow and steady would win the race." At other times I would act like a crazed hare trying different side roads at breakneck speeds hoping to reach that banner a little faster.

    Gradually, though, I began to see that no matter how long I raced towards it, the banner was never any closer. I finally decided one day to sit down and take a break. It was then that I saw my happiness sitting beside me. It had been with me all along.

    Amazing how the things that are truly important to us is when we have the courage to be ourselves. As I looked into the image of Jesus that came from my soul, I witnessed how Jesus sees me in all my profound love and light, my compassion, and delight in just being. I no longer judge myself for being a mystic and patron saint of our time.

    On occassion, I remember the profound intimacy we shared in the ancient days and then there was the time that Jesus shared his essence with me at 3:00 in the morning. Upon hearing the energy of his arrival, I awakened and set up in bed thinking Jesus rarely comes into this dimension in real time. His energy was that of a beloved friend.

    Interesting, I just read in "Stillness Speaks" that "Reincarnation dosen't help you if in your next incarnation you still don't know who you are. How true is that of our denials.

    Indeed, with profound intimacy, Jesus reminded me of the abundance of communication we can experience when we shift our perceptions in the moment. Seven years later I realized that his message was intended to create a miracle of healing my depression and and pain from my denails of a soulmate relationship. Wow....he was listening to me all the time...

    I have so many treasured memories of my childhood. One of my favorites is my love for nature and the profound beauty of experincing mother nature and snow.. that perfect moment in time will always be with me.

    Other beautiful treasured moments of our spontanity is of us catching fire flys and putting them in a jar to keep.
    Who would ever think that I would save that memory. And too, there were times that were not so pleasant as the disappointment at not passing the 5th grade and considered myself as ignorant. For some reason, I kept that one too.

    Now in my 70's, I realize that too is an illusion.

    For years, I have had many meaningful conversations with the Lord while scrubbing somebody's toilet or running the vacuum. Many times I have detected the sweet breeze of his presence hovering around me while I dusted and polished. It touches me that God is humble enough to hang out with us in the most humblest of circumstances.

    Then I think of Janice as I remember the time Mom was resting on the sofa pregnant with our new sister. It was a warm day and as I touched Mom's belly, I felt only love for the child yet unborn. It was that moment in time that Mom shared with me her name. From then on she was a person to me. It was only yesterday. I was excited that I could be part of her birth and arrival. I know now that she is part of US and that she is an angel here on earth, surely as we all are.

    It seems only like yesterday to me as I held each of my sisters in my arms. Over the years I learned to love each of you for just who you are.

    There is an old Chinese proverb that says, "Tension is what you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are." Perhaps we all should stop our race towards the perfect life we think we should have and rejoice in the life we have now.

    I know now happiness will never be found under some banner far away. It will be found in your own heart, soul, and mind. It will be found when you realize that God loves you just as you are and that you can choose and share love and joy as well.

    When it comes to your happiness, be a playful puppy and carry your stick of joy with you everywhere you go. Take yourself out of the race and realize that when it comes to love and happiness you are already there.

    May God bless you with sweet dreams.

    - Daily Ezine Meditation


Dear Karen,

I believe in miracles` and wanted to share with you a vision I had over a month ago...and I began a poetry page for healing and sharing our joy.

In truth, I often have chats with you from my imagination and this time I decided to just let the words flow on the attached web page and see what happens.

After our chat, a profound miracle was experienced ...it was a dream yet I wasn't fully in a deep sleep. Mom came to me and the vision was her lying in her bed....then in a moment, she fell on the floor and said to me: "I had a stroke and "he" is with me."

In those few words...I felt her esssence in her message..as her communication was audiable and known in my heart and soul.

I knew she had passed... I picked her up, & she was as light as a feather. I decided to take her into my bedroom, and gently placed her in my bed with white clean sheets.

In the following days, conteplations flowed, as the miracle continued to confort my soul,
Jesus said, "that when two or more come together, that love is multiplied and is returned 100 fold."

A few days later I was working in the garden and recalled her message wondering if it was real.. In the dream, her voice was audiable, and the amazing truth is that indeed I experienced a message from Mom.

When she said "I had a stroke.." identified with the past....yet time is eternal for her...
and then..."He" is with me.. it seemed that she was speaking of Jesus.... yet the vision could be of been intended for Coleen and that her son is now with Mom ...how wonderful is that!! Still, my sense is that she wanted us to know she is still with us and she hears our heart and her love continues here on earth as in heaven.

The truth is that it wasn't an illusion and the dream was the presence of her genuine love.

I wish you well dear sister and thank you for being you. You will always be in my heart and soul.

By the way, I am reading an awsome book...The Power of Now..by Eckhart Tolle...We are having a group gathering weekly and reading the wonderful little book entitled Stillness Speaks. a great place to order is Amazon Com for about $10.... Both books are a guide for the enlightened gardner.

Peace and joy to you. your loving angel sister, Donna

Answer from Jesus:

The short answer is that I am not creating apparitions of my face in food items or other random appearances. What is actually happening here is a combination of two factors.

One factor is that the consciousness of humankind is being raised, and as a result people are acquiring a greater spiritual awareness. This means that many people are subconsciously more alert concerning spiritual ideas and spiritual images than they were even a few years ago. This makes them more susceptible to seeing spiritual images in unusual places.

The other factor is that a part of the human mind, namely what is normally called the right brain and which is also seen as the center of intuition, is designed to look for patterns even in seemingly random appearances. As a result of the rising spiritual awareness, people are becoming more intuitive, and therefore they are becoming better at seeing an underlying order beneath seemingly chaotic surface appearances. People are becoming better at seeing the forest instead of focusing their attention on the individual trees, as the left brain and the analytical faculties make them prone to do.

When you combine these two factors, it is inevitable that people will begin to see spiritual images in random appearances, from food to clouds. In other words, the increase in sightings of my face does not mean that I am actually appearing in these various places. It simply means that people are more susceptible to seeing an image of what they think the face of Christ looks like. When you think about this, you will realize that people don't actually know what I looked like 2,000 years ago. So how can they really know that it is my face appearing on a pancake? The answer is that they have accepted a mental image of what they think I looked like, and they now subconsciously look for that image.

I am aware that a skeptic – if a skeptic was ever to look at this website – would use these teachings to ridicule the many people who see my face in various places. Yet the reality of the situation is that people's consciousness is being raised, and this is a genuine phenomenon. One side effect is that it makes people more prone to see images where there is no actual apparition. However, the positive effect is that it also makes it easier for them to recognize genuine spiritual ideas, to recognize truth, than ever before. This then is a positive trend that will create an accelerated growth in humankind's spiritual awareness.

Of course, this should not be construed as a denial of the fact that there are genuine apparitions. Yet such apparitions are normally spiritual visions that do not make use of physical things, such as food or clouds. Yet they can make use of a statue or religious focus, such as the statues of Mother Mary that shed tears.