Read 317 times


[1-54, Last=6, Quit=Q] Read File #36

 Read 170 times

     The 950 prefix is a very strange one indeed.  It was created
by Ma Bell, God rest her soul, for all the SCC's (Specialized
common carrier) to place their services upon.  This would have
of benifit to them because they could have the same dialup in all
cities (for instance, SPC could be 950-1000 everywhere in the
U.S.)  For reasons I am unsure of, the carriers rejected their
proposal (but some SCC's are there anyway).
     One of the disadvantages of the 950 prefix is that 950 is a
special ESS that can trace yourt calls so fast it would make your
head spin, so use them only from pay stations (Fortress Phones,
Pay Booths, etc.).
     Some of the nice things about them is that they (usually) give
crystal clear connections.  Skyline and Lexitel are two that have
these good connections.  Another thing is that 950 is a free call
from a PayStation!
     Bell was supposed to drag down the 950 prefix, but I guess
they never got around to doing it.
     Here is the list of all the 950 numbers I know of at this time.
But remember, they trace at the first sign of trouble:
          950-1000.....SPC (Southern Pacific Comm.)
          950-1022.....MCI Execunet
          950-1033.....U.S. Telephone (new company)
          950-1088.....SBS Skyline
     This is it for now, I really don't know of anything else to
mail for The Courier.
                                        The Courier
                                   -=%> The HitchHikers <%=-
                                        Bring Your Towel

[1-54, Last=36, Quit=Q] Read File #

    Source: geocities.com/icemetal_2000