By Gary Curtis

Powerpuff Girls created by Craig McCracken and all related characters owned by Cartoon Network.




NARRATOR: The City of in serious need of change...

WHIP PAN to Central Park.

[Zoom in on a park bench, where a mother is changing a baby's diaper.]

NARRATOR:, not that kind of change!

WHIP TO Townsville Hall


[SARA BELLUM struggles to move Mayor's desk from one spot to another.]

MAYOR: B'wah, I think that would look better over there, Ms. Bellum!

[He points to where she just moved it from, she sighs in annoyance.]

NARRATOR: No, not that kind of change either!


[A MAN on the street looks confused, then his expression changes to one of understanding.]

MAN: Oh! You mean...

NARRATOR: That's right!

[He reaches both hands into his pockets and pulls out...nothing! His expression changes to a sad one.]

NARRATOR: Yes, there's a coin shortage!

[Montage, with voice-over: An empty street lined with parking meters with sad faces. The street is empty because no one has change to put in them. A man puts a bill in a vending machine. A sign on it reads 'Soda .75' and when his quarter doesn't come out, he kicks the machine. An angry face appears on the machine and it kicks back. A line of upset people outside Townsville Bank. On a sign on the door are the words 'Don't look at us!' A street beggar with dark glasses and a cane sits with a huge smile, his hat full of the bills people drop in as they pass.]

NARRATOR: All over Townsville, parking meters are miserable, vending machines are turning vicious, banks are barren! Even the poor panhandlers are...well, this one's doing pretty good. So, who could be responsible for this sudden dearth of dimes? Is it ...the Gangreen gang?...

[Shot of Ace shaking a kid upside down while the rest of the Gang laughs.]

NARRATOR: ...Sedusa?...

[Shot of Sedusa, whose body language and facial expression say 'Who, moi?']

NARRATOR: ...Mojo Jojo?...

[Shot of Mojo, who points a laser weapon at camera, appearing insulted at being accused of something so trivial as stealing coins.]

NARRATOR: ...alright, already, it was just a rhetorical question, sheesh!

PAN over city skyline into the suburb of Pokey Oaks, stopping and moving in on Pokey Oaks Kindergarten.

[Many children are running around in the schoolyard, playing, including the POWERPUFF GIRLS; while Ms. Keane, their teacher, looks on.]

NARRATOR [voiceover]: No, it's the children of Townsville!

[The children get shocked expressions on their faces.]

NARRATOR: Or, should I say, the baby teeth of the children of Townsville!

[Several, including BLOSSOM and BUBBLES, reach into their mouths and pull out a tooth, and smile big gap-toothed smiles.]

NARRATOR: Yes, all over Townsville, the baby teeth of thousands of youngsters are coming out left and right, and the Tooth Fairy swaps coins for them!

ZOOM IN ON the children?s hands.

[The children proudly display their prizes. All of the baby teeth suddenly have frowning faces and teeth of their own, and complain in unison.]

BABY TEETH: So blame it on the Tooth Fairy, then!

NARRATOR: All right! Will you just let me get through this opening, okay?! Ahem! So, later tonight, the Tooth Fairy will leave coins under the pillows of all the sleeping children, to fill up their piggy banks.

[Quick montage of a few 'Tooth Fairies', seen only as hands, making the old switcheroo while the kids are asleep.]

NARRATOR: And yeah, I know it's really the parents! There, you happy? Now, let's see what's going on at the Powerpuff Girls house.



[The Girls are already dressed for bed. Blossom is sitting at their desk, neatly stacking her coins by denomination. She is smiling with only a few teeth visible. Bubbles has her coins spread all over the floor, picking them up and letting them run through her hands. Her smile also displays only a few teeth. Their empty piggybanks sit near them. PROFESSOR UTONIUM stands to the right, smiling down at them. BUTTERCUP sits on the bed, frowning, tossing her empty piggybank (no sounds coming from it) into the air and catching it. There are no coins on the bed. Bubbles looks up.]

BUBBLES: Professor, d'ya think the Tooth Fairy will come tonight? I got one more today and Blossom got two!

[Buttercup glares, displaying two perfect rows of white.]

UTONIUM: Yes, Bubbles, I'm sure the Tooth Fairy will be stopping by.

BUTTERCUP (snidely): Oh, Professor! I got one and Blossom got two!

[Her sisters turn to look at her; Bubbles is upset.]

UTONIUM: Now, Buttercup...

BUTTERCUP (crossing her arms): It's not fair! I don't have a stinkin' nickel! Professor, how come none of my baby teeth are coming out?

BUBBLES: Pro'lly 'cause they're mean, just like you! (sticks her tongue out).

BLOSSOM: No, Bubbles, it's because OUR baby teeth are all grown up and mature-like, and HER baby teeth are still BABIES!

[Blossom and Bubbles break into laughter. Buttercup jumps to her feet on the bed and points angrily at Blossom.]

BUTTERCUP: Oh, YEAH?! If anything, it's 'cause they're tough and aren't gonna run and hide like YOUR little sissy teeth!

UTONIUM: Now, Girls, stop fighting!

[He walks over to the bed and sits down, and takes Buttercup in his lap. While her sisters watch, they are busy putting their coins away in their banks.]

UTONIUM: Girls, all kids mature differently. Buttercup, your baby teeth will eventually fall out, too. They have to, to make room for the adult teeth you already have. I want you to stop worrying about it. Now come on, you three. Time for bed!

[Blossom and Bubbles zip into bed, on either side of Buttercup in the middle. They all scoot under the covers. Professor takes their banks from them, kisses them goodnight, turns off the light and leaves the room. Blossom and Bubbles close their eyes, happy; and Buttercup frowns.]

UTONIUM (as he leaves): 'Night, Girls. Now, go to sleep or the Tooth Fairy won't come!

GIRLS: 'Night, Professor!

ZOOM IN ON Buttercup.

[She begins to smirk.]

BUTTERCUP (quietly): Ah, who cares? My baby teeth are tougher than anybody's! They'll come out when they're good and ready! My grown-up teeth can wait!

[She closes her eyes with a smile and goes to sleep. Her mouth is partially open.]

ZOOM IN and EXTREME CLOSE-UP of the inside of her mouth.

NARRATOR: Uh, oh, Buttercup! I think someone heard you...

[Inside her mouth, in the dim light, stand two rows of teeth, all with sinister grins on their shadowed 'faces'. One of the top middle teeth, the 'BOSS' of the gang, speaks up.]

BOSS: Now she's talkin'! You hear that, guys? WE ain't leavin' 'til we're good and READY!

FLUNKY (the smaller tooth to the right of Boss): Yeah, Boss! We ain't sissies like them other goils?!

[The other teeth all laugh. Suddenly the 'ground' shakes, like an earthquake.]

FLUNKY: W-what was that?

BOSS: It was them stupid grown-ups! [Looks down, angrily] Knock it off down there! [looks up] You too! Waitcher turn!

NARRATOR: What's this? A Powerpuff power struggle?

SLOW PAN up, from POV of Boss.

[Continuing above the gum line until a row of angry teeth are seen, looking down at the upper portions of the baby teeth, and their roots. These teeth appear larger and meaner. Again, one middle tooth is the leader of this bunch.]

LEADER: So, they won't leave quietly, eh? Looks like we're gonna have to knock out a few teeth around here, heh heh!

[The other teeth chuckle along, and Leader pulls out and unfolds a cell phone and speaks into it.]

LEADER: You guys hear me okay down there? Good, now when I give the word, we hit them babies wit' everything we got!

[Leader folds up the phone and puts it 'away'.]

LEADER (grinning): I hope the Tooth Fairy's ready, this kid's about to hit the jackpot!

NARRATOR: Who?s going to win this battle of beastly bicuspids and killer canines? I just hope Buttercup doesn't come out the loser!


[The Girls are heard snoring but can only be seen as silhouettes by the sliver of moonlight coming in.]

LEADER (voice only): OK, gang! Grip it and rip it! Let the big dogs eat!

[The brawl begins, but can only be heard in the darkness of the room. There are sound effects of 'fists' being thrown and connecting, grunts of effort and exclamations of pain, confused shouting.]

BOSS: Hey, quit pushin'!

LEADER: This mouth ain't big enough for the both of us! Now you and the rest o' you runts, take a hike!

BOSS: Oh, yeah?


NARRATOR (over the continuing fighting): Gee, I always thought her mouth was plenty big enough!

[Just then, there is a terrible grinding, screeching noise and the sounds of the fight stop.]

DOZENS OF VOICES (simultaneously): UH, OH!

[Buttercup, silhouetted in the dark, sits up sharply and her eyes fly open, showing only the whites.]

PAN ON Buttercup.

[She floats out of bed toward the bathroom, opens the door and is seen from behind as the light goes on.]

BUTTERCUP (voice over the preceding): Owww! My mouth feels like I kicked Mojo's butt in there! Maybe my baby teeth are coming out!

[Her face is seen reflected in the mirror from her eyes up.]

WHIP PAN to the other two Girls asleep.


[Blossom and Bubbles' eyes fly open in surprise and they leap out of bed into the air. Blossom turns on a bedside light.]


[The music from 'Jaws' starts to play softly and grows louder.]

WHIP PAN to bathroom doorway, seen from POV inside, looking out.

[Buttercup's back is to camera, hovering just inside the door. Blossom and Bubbles float just outside.]

BLOSSOM (breathless): Buttercup, what's wrong?!

BUBBLES: Are you OK?


['Jaws' theme stops.]

PAN, following the Girls.

[Buttercup sails past her sisters into the bedroom and they chase her. Her back is still turned, and she whirls to face them as they float over the bed.]

BUTTERCUP (in tears): WAAAHHHH!!! That's not funny!

[At first glance, she is hideous, but you'll get used to it :). The War Between the Teeth has resulted in all of them becoming stuck, unable to budge. She can't close her mouth all the way and dozens of teeth stick out at crazy angles.]

BLOSSOM: What happened?


[He bursts into the room.]

UTONIUM: Girls, are you fighting again and why aren't you in- WHOA!!

[He sees the problem and jumps back in shock. Buttercup flies over to him, very upset, self-consciously covering her mouth.]

BUTTERCUP: Professor, all my grown-up teeth came in and none of my baby teeth came out! What am I gonna do?!

BUBBLES: Look on the bright side, Buttercup! Now you can just scare the monsters away!

BLOSSOM: Yeah, now you can REALLY take a bite out of crime!

[They start laughing while Buttercup glares at them.]

UTONIUM (thinks): Geesh! I've never seen anything like THIS before.

UTONIUM (aloud, consoling): Never mind them, Buttercup. It's not unusual for adult teeth to come in before there's room for them. We'll just take out your baby teeth and straighten your new ones and in no time you'll have your dazzling smile back!

[Buttercup seems relieved, momentarily.]

BUBBLES: Straighten? You mean she's gonna have to wear-

BLOSSOM: No, Bubbles! Not the 'B' word!

BUTTERCUP (horrified): You mean I'm gonna need BRACES?!? AGGHHH!! NO WAY! I ain't leaving this house ever again! Professor, everybody's gonna laugh and call me names and-

BLOSSOM: You mean, like Metal Mouth?

BUBBLES: Or Tinsel Teeth?

[They crack up all over again. Professor scowls at them and Buttercup throws herself into his arms, wailing.]

UTONIUM: Girls! Shame on you for being so mean to your sister!

[Bubbles sees he really is angry with them.]

BUBBLES: I'm sorry, Buttercup.

UTONIUM: Now Buttercup, it's not that bad. I had to wear braces, too, you know, and look at me!

[He flashes his pearly whites and a twinkle reflects off of them. Buttercup looks at him hopefully.]

BUTTERCUP: (sniff) Really?

BLOSSOM and BUBBLES (amazed): Really, Professor?

UTONIUM (turns to exit bedroom): Really. Now let's go see if we can get these stubborn little buggers to come out!

BLOSSOM (whispering an aside to Bubbles): I knew he was a geek once!

[They giggle. Professor continues on, still holding Buttercup. He doesn't look back. He takes it in stride, smiling a bit.]


[They blush and float out after him.]

NARRATOR: I don't know, Professor. Those little buggers are as stubborn as their owner!


[Buttercup is lying on a table. The sides of her mouth droop around the mess of teeth. Professor stands to the right looking at her, holding a pair of pliers. Her sisters float off to the left, watching. Buttercup looks at the pliers fearfully.]

BUTTERCUP: Ithithuddauhhbuhfeh?

UTONIUM: I gave you plenty of Novocaine, Buttercup, so it won't hurt you a bit.

WHIP PAN to inside Buttercup's mouth.

[LEADER and BOSS have found themselves shoved right next to each other. From their POV looking out, the pliers are seen coming toward them.]

LEADER: Easy for HIM to say!

BOSS: Whaddya mean? It's US he's yankin', not you!

LEADER: Well, good riddance! This is all your fault, anyway!

BOSS: Sez you! Well, we can't wait to get outta here 'cuz you stink! Right, guys?

[The baby teeth all speak at once their agreement and their adult counterparts glare and grumble 'Shut up' and the like. The pliers reach in and grip onto Flunky.]

FLUNKY: Hey, it DON?T hurt! It TICKLES!

BOSS: Awright, pal. See you on the other side!

[Flunky is pulled, and stretches but stays put.]

FLUNKY: Uhhh! It ain't workin'! I'm stuck!


[Professor strains, with one foot up on the table for leverage.]

UTONIUM: Gimme a hand here, Girls!

[They applaud.]

UTONIUM: Very funny!

[With big smiles, they arrange themselves behind him to help pull. Their three faces show exertion as they strain, and suddenly they sail backwards and land on the floor in a sprawl. Blossom and Bubbles sit up, rubbing their heads.]

BUBBLES: Didja get it?

WHIP PAN to Buttercup, sitting up and frowning.


WHIP PAN to other three, still on the floor.

UTONIUM: Hmmm. This is going to be harder than I thought! Let's get you three back to bed and we'll try again tomorrow.

BLOSSOM: Good thing it's Saturday and we don't have school!

[Buttercup shoots her a dirty look.]



NARRATOR: And later the next morning...

[They are in the lab once more. The Girls are dressed for a normal day. Buttercup is back on the table, Professor just removing the pliers from her open mouth. She looks very angry and Blossom and Bubbles float nearby, a little worried.]

BUTTERCUP: Thazhuhgray, Buhfeh!

UTONIUM: I'm sorry, Buttercup; I've tried tying them to the doorknob, drilling them out, even the explosives didn't loosen them up!

BLOSSOM: Uh, Professor? Why don't we just take her to the dentist?

BUTTERCUP (crosses her arms): Doh way!

UTONIUM: Blossom, there isn't a dentist in Townsville who will see her after she bit the last one!

BLOSSOM (visualizing the incident where Buttercup chomps down on the arm that's in her mouth): Oh, yeah, I forgot.

UTONIUM (looking at Buttercup): Well, they're just going to have to come out on their own. (looks at his watch) Hey, it's almost eleven! Time to go shopping!


[Her hands fly to her mouth in horror and she flies out of the lab, while her family reacts in surprise.]

UTONIUM: Come on, Girls, maybe we shouldn't make her go out right now.

NARRATOR: Poor Buttercup! Let's give her a little time and she'll get over it...


[Buttercup sits on the bed, huddled in her green 'blankie'. She has two corners of it tied together so it covers her mouth.]

BUTTERCUP: Braces are bad enough, but I can't ever go out looking like this! Oh, what am I gonna do?!

NARRATOR: Hmmm, maybe not.

[Just then her sisters burst into the room.]

BUBBLES (sing-song): Bu-u-tter-cu-u-p! We're back from the sto-o-re!

BLOSSOM: Buttercup! Have you just been sitting here moping the whole time?


BLOSSOM (sits with her on the bed, putting an arm around her): I'm sorry we made fun of you, but you can't stay in here forever! What if the hotline rings?

BUTTERCUP: I'm not going!

BUBBLES: But, we need you!

BUTTERCUP: I said forget it! Owww!

[She rubs her jaw.]


[The teeth are fighting again, throwing punches and shouting blame back and forth.]

NARRATOR: Uh, oh, Girls! Until those teeth fall out, it looks like you two are on your own.!


[Author's note: A sequence like this takes much longer to read than it would actually appear in a show. This montage would be over very quickly.]

[As the days of the week flash by, Monday, Tuesday etc., Buttercup sits on the couch glumly watching news reports on television. Professor angrily points, indicating she should be out helping her sisters. Arms crossed and pouting, she refuses, shaking her head. On the screen, reporter Stanley Whitfield is seen, with a different brief story of Blossom and Bubbles in action each day, along with a different graphic.]

MONDAY: Scene: Mojo Jojo stands in a cell with one of his weapons wrapped around his neck, looking beat up as usual. The Girls stand smiling outside the cell with Police Chief Hittledee.

Graphic: What's up with Buttercup?

TUESDAY: Scene: The Girls defeat a two-headed monster.

Graphic: Where's Buttercup?

WEDNESDAY: Scene: Girls hand the Bank Robbing Gang over to the cops.

Graphic: When's Buttercup going to show up?

THURSDAY: Scene: The Girls battle a huge apartment building fire. It looks like they could really use some help.

Graphic: Why isn't Buttercup helping?

FRIDAY: The Girls receive awards from Mayor. Ms. Bellum stands nearby and flashbulbs pop all around.

Graphic: Who's Buttercup?


[Blossom and Bubbles lie sprawled on the bed, exhausted. Buttercup is standing on the floor, and Professor is sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at her and not looking too happy.]

BUBBLES (groans): Ohh, I hope the hotline doesn't ring today!

BLOSSOM: Thanks a lot, Buttercup, we really could have used some help this week!

UTONIUM: Well, she can just do the shopping with me so you can get some rest!

BUTTERCUP (shocked): But, Professor!

UTONIUM: Buttercup, you can't stay inside forever.


UTONIUM: No buts! (smiles, in a fatherly way) Buttercup, no one's going to make fun of you! You'll see!

NARRATOR: Yes, Buttercup, we all know how kind the good citizens of Townsville are. Now run along so your sisters can get some well-deserved shuteye.



NARRATOR (voice-over the following): Ah, another beautiful Saturday, and Townsville is none the worse for wear after a week without its tough 'Puff. But, someone has been watching...and plotting evil plots.

PAN across city to Townsville Central Park, stopping at the base of Volcano Mountain.

PAN upward to the observatory lair of MOJO JOJO.


[The evil super-brained chimp paces back and forth, hands clasped behind his back.]

MOJO: I must find out what has caused Powerpuff Girl Buttercup to disappear for she has not been seen for days and I do not know why!

[He stops in front of a display of weapons hanging on a wall. He looks at them.]

ZOOM IN ON one of them, a futuristic ray gun (aren't they all?).


MOJO: The timing of this is perfect, for my ultimate plan for destroying the Powerpuff Girls is not yet perfect. By firing my transporter ray at them, it will transport them to inside those?

WHIP PAN TO another part of the lair.

MOJO: ? traps from which they will be unable to escape. Then I will destroy them!

[Standing on a table, the traps are two rectangular three-dimensional boxes, approximately 'Puff high, and have transparent panels.]

MOJO: I have only finished two of the traps, but without Buttercup, my plan will work perfectly because it is not perfect! With two of them out of the way, she will be easy! Now, if I can only find out WHY she is not with her sisters...



NARRATOR: Oh, that Mojo! I hope nothing disturbs our heroes' rest, they're really going to-

[The hotline rings. Blossom fights to open her sleepy eyes, looking dismayed. Bubbles pulls the covers over her head.]

NARRATOR: Me and my big mouth!

[Blossom floats to the hotline and answers it.]


[Go to split screen, Mayor on the other end.]

MAYOR: B'wah, Blossom, come quick! There's a monster inside Malph's Market!

BLOSSOM (eyes opening wide): Oh no! Professor and Buttercup are- (frowns) Hey, wait a minute! Mayor, is the monster wearing a green dress?

MAYOR: Well, Blossom, now that you mention it...

[Go to full screen.]

BLOSSOM (dropping the phone): Bubbles! Buttercup's in trouble!

[They CHTOOSH from their room, trailed by pink and blue streaks.]


[Blossom and Bubbles streak toward town.]

BUBBLES: Poor Buttercup! Everybody thinks she's a monster!

BLOSSOM: It's our fault, Bubbles, we laughed at her first! If we didn't make fun of her, she wouldn't feel so bad. We gotta help her!

[They are suddenly met by a green streak flying toward them. They intercept it, each of them grabbing one of Buttercup's arms. She has a paper Malph's bag over her head, the area around the cut-out eye holes wet with tears.]

BLOSSOM: Buttercup! We're sorry we made fun of you!

BUBBLES: Yeah! C'mon, let's go make those meanies 'pologize!

BUTTERCUP (pulls away): No! Leave me alone!

[She flies toward home, her sisters sadly watch her go.]

BLOSSOM (sighs): C'mon, Bubbles, let's go find Professor.


[The telescope is extended out toward town.]


[Mojo backs away from the telescope.]

MOJO (gleefully): HA! Some silly childhood ailment has caused Powerpuff Girl Buttercup to hide her face in embarrassment and it is that embarrassment which will destroy her sisters! MUAHAHAHAHA!!


[Blossom and Bubbles land in front of Professor Utonium, who looks excited, waving his arms.]

BLOSSOM: Professor, what happened? We saw Buttercup and-

UTONIUM: Girls! No time! Mojo Jojo's destroying Central Park!

[They give each other a quick look and fly off.]

NARRATOR: Watch out, Girls! You're flying right into a trap! Oh, Buttercup, snap out of it! Don't you have any wisdom teeth in that mouth of yours?



[Buttercup's reflection is seen in the mirror, mouth open, examining the situation.]

ZOOM IN ON her teeth.

[They are still arguing, except for two, one on each side, way back in the dark. They have beards and wear wizard hats. They look at the arguing teeth with disgusted looks.]

PAN TO the WISDOM TOOTH on the right.

WISDOM TOOTH (he does all the talking for both): Hey, buddy, it ain't like we haven't been trying!

NARRATOR: Well, I hope you talk some sense into those babies before it's too late!


[Blossom and Bubbles float, looking surprised. From the observatory come some rather weak laser blasts. They are hitting only open patches of grass, throwing up dirt and dust.]

BLOSSOM: What's he doing?

BUBBLES: Maybe we hit him too hard the other day. I think he's gone cuckoo!

[They fly toward the lair.]

BLOSSOM: Well, it's WAY below his standards, but we have to stop it. If I didn't know any better, I'd say we were walking into a?


[Close-up of the Girls each in their rectangular prison. Both look shocked.]

BLOSSOM: ?trap!


[He is holding the transporter weapon, looking very pleased with himself.]

MOJO: Indeed, you are trapped in such a manner that you will never escape, for if you were to escape you would no longer be trapped!

[They pound, kick and eye-laser but nothing works. Bubbles lets loose with a sonic scream to no effect, but the sound waves spread out away from her.]

MOJO: Nothing will get you out of there, not even your sister! I wonder where she could be, maybe hiding somewhere with a grocery bag on her head? Muahahahaha!!



[Buttercup's reflection is still looking back at her. It frowns.]

BUTTERCUP: What the heck is wrong with me? Professor's right, I won't look like this forever. I've let my sisters and everybody down. I'm not tough, I'm nothing but a big wuss!

[She opens her mouth wide and growls at herself.]

BUTTERCUP: Well, no more! If they don't like the way I look, it's their problem!

[Bubbles' sound waves hit her. Her reflected eyes register shock and anger.]

BUTTERCUP: Bubbles! The Girls are in trouble!

[She bursts from the spot in a green flash.]


[Her streaking form follows the sound waves and she closes in on Mojo's lair. Her mess of teeth pulls back in a fierce snarl.]

BUTTERCUP: MOJO! I should have known! Well, even a steel plate won't save his butt this time!


[Buttercup bursts through the ceiling. Her sisters react with joy. Mojo jumps back, pointing his transporter ray at Blossom and Bubbles with one hand, shielding his eyes from Buttercup's hideous appearance with the other.]

MOJO: Geesh! I do not blame you for hiding!

BUTTERCUP: I don't care, Mojo! They're sharper than my fists!

[She advances on him.]

MOJO: Not so fast, Buttercup! One more step and I will transport your sisters to the middle of the ocean, where they will sink. Nothing can get them out of there, not even a diamond drill!

[Buttercup's mouth drops open.]

ZOOM inside.

[All the teeth react in shock to what they just heard and stop fighting.]

BOSS: Didja hear that? I know somethin' harder than a diamond drill!

FLUNKY: Yeah! Us!

LEADER: Yeah, but how? You're stuck in here!

WISDOM TOOTH (off screen): Ahem! What did we tell you?


WISDOM TOOTH: All you've been doing is fighting! Try working together!


LEADER: Hey, yeah!

BOSS: Well, I said we weren't leavin' until we were good and ready. Are we ready, guys?


[Leader and Boss shake hands.]

WHIP TO WISDOM TOOTH: All together, now, when I give the word!


MOJO (sarcastically): Why is your mouth open, Buttercup? Do you have a sharp comment to answer my intelligence? A pointed barb to battle my brilliance? A cutting remark to grapple with my genius?


BUTTERCUP: No, my teeth hurt!


MOJO: Oh. Well, they're killing me! Muahaha- huh?

[His eyes fly open and his jaw drops.]


[Buttercup's baby teeth erupt from her mouth like little missiles, making ballistic sounds as they aim straight for Mojo's head. They all wear determined smiles.]


MOJO: Yaaaahhhhhhh!!!!

[He ducks, and they sail over top, straight for Bubbles' and Blossom's traps. They hit, and (in the traditional Dexter/PpG slow motion with accompanying sound effects) they shatter the traps. The freed Girls rejoice.]


[Overjoyed, they zip to Buttercup, who is still surprised by what has just happened.]

BUBBLES: Buttercup! Your teeth!

BUTTERCUP: Yeah, they finally came out!

BLOSSOM: No, Buttercup, they're all straight!

[The force of the joint effort by all the teeth resulted in her adult teeth forming two perfect rows.]



[She moves past a startled Mojo, who is still on the floor, peeking out through his fingers. She picks up a shard of the broken trap and looks at her reflection in it.]

BUTTERCUP (jubilant): I don't need braces! YAY!

MOJO (stands, goes into a rant): Who cares about your stupid teeth? Once again you accursed Powerpuffs have defeated my superior intellect, all because of your stupid TEETH!! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!

BLOSSOM (deadpan): I completely agree with you, Mojo.

[Mojo, Buttercup and Bubbles react with surprise.]

MOJO: What? You agree that it is not fair that you have once again defeated me which is not fair because you always do that?

BLOSSOM (eyes closed): No, silly! (her eyebrows turn down in a nasty grin) It's not fair that all of our teeth came out and you still have yours!

[Buttercup and Bubbles? expressions match hers.]

BUBBLES: Hey, yeah!

MOJO: Uh, oh.

[Standard Powerpuffs trashing Mojo sequence, ending with a dazed, battered Mojo grinning stupidly up at the Girls from the floor; his brain showing through his cracked turban. Bubbles holds a pile of his teeth in her hands and presents it to him while her sisters laugh.]

BUBBLES: Here, Mojo! Maybe the Tooth Fairy will come visit you in jail!

NARRATOR: Hahaha!! Oh, Bubbles! So, once again, the day is-hey! We can't end our story yet!



[The Girls are in bed, Bubbles in the middle this time while Buttercup is on the right. Professor stands next to her side of the bed.]

BUBBLES: Professor, me an' Blossom's last teeth came out today. Do you think the Tooth Fairy can afford it, with all of Buttercup's teeth too?

UTONIUM (smiles): Yes, Bubbles, I'm sure the Tooth Fairy can handle it!

[He reaches for the light.]

BLOSSOM: Professor, wait! How come none of our grown-up teeth came in yet?

BUTTERCUP: Don't worry, Blossom! They'll come in sooner or later, right, Professor?

BLOSSOM: What, no smart remark about how our teeth are chicken or something?

BUTTERCUP: No way! I learned MY lesson!

UTONIUM (pats her head, and she smiles): Buttercup, I'm very proud of you! Now go to sleep, my little angels!

[He turns off the light, and no sooner does it go out than a screeching noise is heard. Four sets of eyes fly open in the dark. The light comes on. Blossom and Bubbles stare at each other in horror, covering their mouths with their hands. Buttercup and Professor look on in shock.]

NARRATOR: Uh, oh, Girls! Better brace yourselves! Ah, don't take it so hard, at least you still have your teeth. Oopth!

(The sound of something hard bouncing on the floor is heard.]

NARRATOR: Tho, onth again, the day ith thaved, thankth to The Powahpuff Girlth! Thtupid denthurth!


Author's note: Technically, the Girls wouldn't be able to speak very well with no teeth (or too many) but the gags work better this way. You can assume that their superpowers would overcome this problem, too; just as having no fingers, ears, etc. doesn't slow them down any :).

Story written November 2000

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