Hmm, are you lost? If you found your way here by accident, well, hi! If you're here to see if I've updated, hi as well. If you're not supposed to be here, why not stay and chat for a while? Allow me to introduce myself...I am your host...the Ice Princess. I have a multitude of names... Ice...the Ice Bitch to some people...damn gorgeous to one strange person(not mentioning any names MAI)...cie to that strange Lucky girl, the typo queen...but my real name is Ker. Yes, that's me up in the top corner.  Oh, and there is one person who calls me Kerbear...he knows who he is. Welcome to my small corner of cyberspace :)
I've had many changes since I started this page, but some things have stayed constant. The list of people I care about is a lot shorter, but that's not a bad thing. Those I DO still care about will always be in my life.
When I first started making this page (2 years ago - where did the time go?) I wasn't sure what to put on it. I figured I'd have trouble filling even a tenth of the space. Well, I was wrong. As time has gone by, I've found more and more things to put on here. And I am in the process of making another. My new one will be different, but hopefully, you'll take the time to look at that when it's done. I know there is a lot of stuff on here but with any luck, you'll take the time to look through some of it.
My poetry is mostly about love, but there's some other topics covered. I hope you take the time to read at least some of it. And to those that check for regular updates, I am in the process of making an index page just for my poetry, with poems listed by title. That might make navigation easier. Bear with me! And please don't steal my poetry! It is all a labour of love, written through tears and smiles and it's part of me, and very important. Ask if you specifically want to use it for something. Email me.
I am a bit of a perfectionist, so I will probably work and rework this to death. After you have had a look through my site, please take a moment to sign my message board and tell me what you thought. Tell me if you hate it, love it, which poem is your favourite..that sort of stuff. And just cause I am nosy, sign my slam book too, which is the Guestbook buttons on the following page. There are some really interesting questions in there.
There are few constants in my life, but those I still care about are one constant. There are people that have always been there for me, and I don't see that changing. There's also a few people that helped me out when I was web page here you are guys...

..for all your help putting this page know how PC dumb I am, yet you never lost your patience with me. I could never have made this page without your help. I know I asked the same questions over and over. A thousand thanks to you, sweetie. And thank you for always being there to have a laugh mean a whole lot to me...
...You are truly my mom in Jerry's and one of the very few people I still care about there. You have supported me no matter what and always encouraged me like a real parent would. Thank you so much for your love and support...
...You, along with mom, have supported me through a rough few months. Thank you for being there without conditions...
..the mystery has been solved! Cathy, you sent me the artwork of my name at the top of the page and I LOVE it! Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into it. You are a great friend..
Reagan(Man of 1000 names)
..Reag, you are a sweetheart, and you know I adore you. We haven't known each other for that long, but we have become very close. You are ALWAYS there for me, no matter what I need. Thank you hon..and I will post you a photo of the blue sundress *grins*
..You and I became friends some time ago, and you have always been there for me, to listen to me ramble on about my problems, or to cheer me up by flirting with me. Take care of my niece! I miss you...
..You and I became friends when you came to the diner, and we have become better friends since we met and started going out together. But damn, I HATE losing my shoes! Long live YMCA!
Patrick(ghost) gave me a URL for the BEST midi site EVER on the web, and I could kiss you for the quality of music I downloaded from there...THANK YOU!
Lauren(my real sis)..You of anyone, knows how PC dumb I am..I know I am hopeless and can do almost nothing on this thing and you help me where you can which is most of the time. You helped me set up the pics on the page..thanks mate.

Last, but DEFINITELY not least, goes to..

Jeff truly mean the world to me. "You and I should get away for a while...I just wanna be alone with your smile." Wanna go to Madagascar??? You gave me some of the nicest compliments I have ever had on my poetry. I know we haven't known each other all that long, but you already know so much about me, you have seen the REAL me and hung around. You know much more than I had intended to reveal to you actually, lol. Thank you for overlooking the reg thing, ha ha. You have told me so much about myself in our long chats, things even I had not realised and I thank you for that. And remember, its FOUR apples..Smurfette.
I'm sorry...for so much. But most of all for hurting you...

Thank you to anyone I haven't mentioned here. You know if you're important to me I hope. I guess I have to dedicate this page to everyone that has played a part in my life...all of you know who you are, and you know how you have affected me. So, thank you, to everyone, for making me the person I am today.

So...if I have not bored you enough yet...get yourself a drink, your cigarettes if you smoke (as I do), make yourself comfortable and take a journey through my life, such as it is. I will endeavour not to bore you TOO much from here in. Enter through the gates, stay a while..they are always open. Just PLEASE remember to wipe your feet. I hate to pay the maid overtime.

I would like to just leave you with my favourite quote..."Always shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
Updated 29th December, 2002.
Had to edit cause Yahoo told me to! Hope everyone had a great Christmas. I did!
Music Selected is Enigma's
"Return to Innocence"
This was the banner for Terminal Sedation, which a friend of mine, Denise, and I made. TS was borne out of a common interest in issues important to us, such as reform for death row, abortion and gay rights. We had quite a few members.
Well, MSN, in it's infinite wisdom, decided that our subject matter went "against their rules". So they closed me down. With no warning, with no chance to take the "offending material" down. For that reason, I will never again use MSN to make a page. If they are going to censor what you put on it, where is the right to freedom of speech?
And if it was closed down because someone complained, and that someone is
you, you have a very small mind. Can you not think of something better to do than trawl the net, looking for ways to entertain yourself and piss people off? I pity you.
Anyhow, maybe I'll get around to making a page for it on yahoo. Yahoo seems to understand the freedom of speech act.
I'm not done yet!
And if I make a new one, rest assured the banner will be on this page for everyone to have a look, and perhaps take an interest in.