Pumps = 16                                        Intimidation = 5

Shot Time =  1X : 10 seconds            Overall Power = 5

Mobility = 8                                       Soakage = 10

Construction = 4

Tank = 1.5L
The CLASSIC 100 is a small-medium sized soaker, released 1992. Its specialty is being the first Super Soaker with a seperate pressure chamber. It was the big cannon of its time and its nice colour sceem and shape make it the representative of the CLASSIC SOAKER Line. The CLASSIC 100 is a very valuable piece of sokaer History and an absolut must have for Collectors.

Strengths =
- A very nice classic colour sceem and design
- Long shot time
- Ability to pump and shoot at the same time for a continuing shot

Weaknesses =
- Fragile construction
- Fragile pump can break when pumping to wildly
- No strap, making caring a second soaker difficult
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