The Marbled Library
A love affair with knowledge will never end in heartbreak
     -Michael Garrett Marino.
    An echoing of an age past, an age glorified, and age of learning; is little more than a run-down corral in the mundane world, nearly retaken by the surrounding forest.
     For those of Dream however, crumbled columns of ancient dark green marble and greecian design reach high into the misted air. The roof has mostly fallen in, with only a few sections intact.
     The floor has been fragmented as well, now consisting of a jigsaw puzzle of black marble slabs overgrown with grass and root, with small patches of wild flowers growing here or there. Even a cold shallow brook runs over the floor in the back of the main hall and disappears into the rubble of one of the collapsed rooms.
     The main hall is the most intact, though the roof has been utterly subsumed with crawling ivy. Stacks of books and scrolls take up quite a bit of the floorspace seemingly in the process of beig filed and stored on rather new dark oaken shelves. A few wooden tables covered with more scrolls and half-spent candles are set on the sturdier of the slabs. A stack of greek chorus masques also takes up a table.
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Take a look at your host, Julien Somes
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