
= Rules for international fansub distribution =
1. The minimum amount of CDs is 4. If a series contains only 3 CDs you can order 1 more series or a movie to make it 4. Maximum amount of CDs is 15.

2.  You must include your valid email address, shipment address, method payment and anime title(s). Once I receive your email, I will email you my confirmation along with my address in which you can send me your payment.

3. Payment can be done either through bank draft/Int. Money Order or sending cash in mail. If you want to send through bank draft/Int. Money Order then I will email you my address after you make an order. If you send cash through mail, then send it at your OWN RISK. I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE IF IT GET LOST OR KAPUT OR *POOF*. Also I will not accept cheques.

4. Payment delivery time by bank draft/Int. Money Order or sending cash through mail takes days/weeks/plus depends on where you live. I will NOT burn cds until I receive the payment. Payment should be done in US dollars.

5. I will dispatch the CDs 4-7 days after I receive your payment. I will email you when the package is send.

6. If you like the anime, please support the anime industry by purchasing original DVD/VHS from your respective country.


= Rules for trading =
1. I will trade anime based on 'title-for-title'. ie. 'Scryed for Garasaki' or 'Hoshi no Koe for Tales of Eternia'. I really don't care if the anime series contains 2 or 5 episodes, as long it is high quality and complete I will trade for it.

2. I will only trade through Streamload or IRC. However I wont be trading at the moment.


= Proper wording for your email order =
Please use the following format while ordering because it will be easier for me to collect enough information of your order. Please comply with the format or I will simply ignore or ask you to resend your order.

Payment method:
Valid Email Address:
Shipping Address: (You must also state which country you are from )

Nickname: (well..just to place in my Status page :P)

Anime                      Complete (yes/no)
(so on)

Total CDs:


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