All of these young people learned how to do something from Tim
1. Websites dedicated to him are strongly recommended.

2. It is possible to eat a piece of pizza in less than 5 seconds.

Softball is a good sport to play with friends.

4. It pays to be smart.

5. God should be number one in one's life.

6. Worry about romantic relationships AFTER high school. And College, for that matter.

7. It is possible to have fun in any situation. Even if it is a birthday party at which you know no one.

8. One can lose their feet in the sand at the beach and discover them soon afterwards.

9. Old
Blindside is really good.

10. Playing tag in the park late at night can be difficult, if you are playing with Tim, who is an extremely good hider.

11. Frisbee on the beach is fun. It also means you're in love.

12. Silicone implants can be found on the beach. And they also look like huge blisters....or maybe it's jellyfish.

13. A sand turtle can be made using only one's hands and a library card. Oh, and some sand.

14. It is possible to dig a tunnel and build a bridge made of sand that will hold the weight of Tim. Unless he decides to jump. Then, the tunnel will collapse, killing all inside.

15. Physics can be fun for everyone! Especially when you are winning events at the Physics Olympics. Like Tim did.

16. Far Side comics are good, as are Calvin and Hobbes.

Real men wear Speedos (TM). Tim is a real man.

18. Swimming, though tiring, is also fun and recreational. But it sure does make you sore.

19. MewithoutYou should be listened to. They are wonderful.
Tim taught Michael how to grow a mustache (It's just physics, silly)
Tim taught young Ronnie how to think deep thought...and how to drink out of a straw....
...and also how to model. Tim excels at this, I assure you.
Tim taught Kory how to wish people Merry Christmas. He also told Kory that Santa Claus wasn't real. Kory cried that day, but he also learned a life lesson.
Tim also taught James how to shoot a gun. Although Tim is a nice and congenial guy, you should not mess with him. He will squirt you with a squirt gun-or beat you at a Fermi quiz for that matter. James learned this the hard way. And he lost the Fermi quiz, too.
Home is where the heart is