Hello World, cut four ways

How to write good (and bad) programs


Hello World
A simple program that merely displays “Hello World!” to the user, as a demonstration of the minimum code required to write an application in a specific language or API.

A recurring theme in many corporate-programming horror stories is the myth that the more lines of code that you write, the more productive you are. This article aims to debunk this myth once and for all, and also attack bad code in general.

All of the code on this page is in C, and with the exception of the Shortest Possible Hello World, all of it is compliant with the ISO 9899:1999 (aka C99) standard.

If you're not a coder, here are some things you should know beforehand:

The Worst Possible Hello World

Like any Hello World, all this does is print (that is, display) “Hello World!”. But it does so in the most convoluted way I can imagine. If you're interested in compiling and running the program yourself, here's a zip archive.

#include <sys/types.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> int main(void) { FILE *file = fopen("helloworld.c", "rb"); fseeko(file, 0, SEEK_END); off_t len = ftello(file); size_t buflen = len / 0x4e; char *buf = malloc(buflen); fread(&buf[buflen - 1U], 1U, 1U, file); fseeko(file, 139, SEEK_SET); char buf2[16]; fread(buf2, 1U, 4U, file); char translation[] = { 2, 28, 32, 39 }; for(ptrdiff_t i = 0.0; i < 1; ++i) { buf2[0] += translation[0]; buf2[1] += translation[1]; buf2[2] += translation[2]; buf2[3] += translation[3]; } memcpy(buf, buf2, 4U); fseeko(file, 512.0, SEEK_SET); fread(&buf[4], 1U, 2U, file); off_t delta = 66; buf[5] -= delta; buf[5] = floor(M_PI * 10.18591635788130148921); buf[6] = buf[5] + (delta - (delta / 6.0)); fseek(file, 454L, SEEK_SET); fread(buf + 7, 1U, 2U, file); fseek(file, -421, SEEK_CUR); fread(&buf[9], 1U, 2U, file); long long magnitute = buf[10]; buf[10] = buf[011]; buf[011] = magnitute; fseek(file, -24, SEEK_END); fread(&buf[11], 1U, 1U, file); return !printf("%s\n", buf); }

This code is 50 lines long. By the standard that more lines of code == more productive coding, this represents a highly productive session.

If you have no coding skills at all, you probably don't recognize how bad this code is. No offense, but it's all magic to you. I intend to show you the alternatives.

The Canonical Hello World

This is the Hello World you typically see in programming books.

#include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello World!\n"); }

Much shorter, isn't it? Clearly less productive. But there are other things wrong with it.

So the Canonical Hello World is clearly sub-optimal, though not nearly as bad as the Worst Possible Hello World. So what can we do to it?

The Shortest Possible Hello World

This is the opposite extreme from the Worst Possible Hello World: that one was written to be as long as possible (or as long as I could think of, anyway), whereas this one is written to be as short as possible. It's a one-liner, not counting the #include, and it is just 59 bytes long.

#include <stdio.h> main(){printf("Hello world!\n");}

This has its own set of problems.

The Best Possible Hello Worlds

(IMHO.) Also available as a zip archive.

There are at least three Best Possible Hello Worlds:


#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/errno.h> #include <string.h> int main(void) { int success = puts("Hello World!"); if(success == 0) return EXIT_SUCCESS; else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: fputs did not succeed in writing our message string (error returned: %s)!\n", strerror(errno)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } }

Augie Fackler

This version favors an inline conditional expression (expr ? if_true : if_false) over the multiple return statements.

#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/errno.h> #include <string.h> int main(void) { int success = puts("Hello World!"); if(success < 0) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: fputs did not succeed in writing our message string (error returned: %s)!\n", strerror(errno)); return (success == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }

Mine (alternate version)

The marriage of mine and Augie's. The difference in this one is that we use the variable for the exit status (the return value of main), rather than for the return value of puts.

#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/errno.h> #include <string.h> int main(void) { int status = (puts("Hello World!") == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; if(status == EXIT_FAILURE) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: fputs did not succeed in writing our message string (error returned: %s)!\n", strerror(errno)); return status; }

The changes in all three of these from the Worst, Shortest, and Canonical Hello Worlds:

Note: These versions are not the shortest. And they do not have the most lines. But they are the best.

Good code (== productivity) is measured by readability and performance, not by obvious-but-wrong measures like lines of code. If you really need to measure how productive your programmers are, learn whatever language they're using, at least enough to be able to read their code. If you still can't read their code after you know the language, something is probably wrong. But if some code isn't obvious, don't be afraid to ask them, just in case they thought of a clever solution to a difficult problem or performance issue.

Version history



