BZ Soundboard

A sound-player program for Mac OS X

What it is

a 'soundboard' (as used here) is a two-dimensional array of buttons, each of which plays a sound.

BZ Soundboard lets you create virtual soundboards on your Mac.

How to use it

first, drag files onto the Soundboard window.

An AIFF file being dropped onto one of the buttons in a new soundboard.

you can place as many files as you have cells (buttons). you can create more cells by resizing the window, and you can change the size of all the cells by holding down option and resizing the window.

Resizing the window to add/remove cells.
Dragging the window without the option key held down resizes the matrix (adds/removes columns/rows). The cells remain the same size, but there are more/fewer of them.

Resizing the window to change the size of the cells.
Dragging the window with the option key held down resizes the cells. Notice that, in this screenshot, there are just as many cells before as after the resize (you can count the five rows). But the size of each cell has changed.

click on a cell to play its sound clip. if you hold down the mouse button, the clip will loop. the cell will be lit up until the clip ends.

A button that is lit, indicating that the sound is playing.

you can also change the volume (from 0 to 100%) and the output device (either the default sound device as selected in the Sound pane of System Preferences, or a different device that will be used for all the sounds in this soundboard.)

when you mouse over a cell that has a sound clip filled in, a tooltip appears containing the display name (the title tag of an MP3, MPEG-4, or QuickTime file, or the filename otherwise) and the full path to the file.

A soundboard window, with most of the cells filled in with sound clips, and three (the top-right cell, the cell to the left of that, and the cell above the bottom-right cell) empty, reading 'Drop file here'.

⌘-clicking on a cell will reveal the associated file in Finder.

Is it a universal binary?


Today is Tuesday, January 31, 2006.

(style of this section gratuitously ganked from and no, the date doesn't really have anything to do with it.)

The application, ReadMe (taken from this webpage), and BSD licence, on a zlib-compressed UDIF disk image in a zip archive (redundant as that is — GeoCities sucks)
128-bit FNV1 hash: c238a8c2f696697b23f3cc7cfa324b0a
MD5 hash: d5e8e8b4172939d6bfafb1a6284bbe58
SHA-1 hash: c04f6bd3b6bd2c0ad84b9b0a6def4889a7322958
Objective-C source code and an Xcode 2.2 project, in a zip file.
128-bit FNV1 hash: c3842fdca5827ea7fb8e3c501e0f8d02
MD5 hash: ce26712b5248f08c46308087bb43faaf
SHA-1 hash: 68622209a99b7ecf6d0f0cdc3b26cfcf5b506446

MD5 and SHA1 signatures were created using the md5sum(1) and sha1sum(1) utilities from GNU coreutils.

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