Final Fantasy VIII Fanfiction FAQ

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First, you have to have written, be writing, or have in the works a FFVIII fanfiction.

Second, the information you plan to submit must be used in your FFVIII fanfiction.

Third, you have to be willing to share your submission with any other author who so wishes to use it.

That's it. You don't have to be a member of any particular board, meet any quality control, or any other inane restriction. Just include the info you submit in one of your own works. This FAQ is indeed mostly based on the works of FFO authors, but we don't intend for it's information to be solely limited to FFO. If your submission is closely mimics another authors submission, feel free to send it in anyways, and we'll include it as an alternate submission.

Not that it's a guarantee that your submission will be included. It more than likely will be, but there are some things that we don't permit. You know what they are. And we don't like whimsical additions. This is a serious FAQ.

One request: make your submission as thorough and complete as possible.

Please note: although we include the FFVIII NPC Names Project here, it is not under our administration. If you have an NPC name to add to the list, please post the addition in the FFO Fanfic forum.

Send your submission to Call,, with "FFVIII FAQ" as the subject. Your submission will appear here as soon as Call approves it and SouthernComfort updates the page.

-The Final Fantasy VIII Fanfiction FAQ staff.

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