Black Reparations is an intense and growing debate in America. African-Americans have been attempting to attain some measure of freedom and since the 1500’s. This cannot happen without understanding Reparations as compensating Blacks for slavery and other forms of oppression both we have had to endure. Reparations will provide our people with resources that are well deserved and required to attain equality in the form of social and economic justice. The Truth and Reconciliation process is an avenue that enables Blacks to make a proper assessment of the historical and current injustices that have been perpetrated against us. This will provide the information necessary to produce a sound Reparations Package that will contain solutions for all of the problems we have, both individually and collectively, as a people. You can see the protocol for an African-American Reparations Package on the Reparations Proclamation.

This is a call for every Black spiritual and community-based group to spearhead a Reparations inquiry, so that there is an understanding of various solutions that should be included in the Reparations Package. African-Americans should work towards this goal on an individual and collective basis. The Truth and Reconciliation (T&R) process was designed to conduct a massive thrust towards Reparations in this manner.

The guide for the T&R process is the Reparations Proclamation. It is designed to gather input from every segment of the Black and White populations in order to produce a fair and just Reparations Package for our people. Other peoples have been awarded Reparations for injustices inflicted upon them. The time has come for African-Americans to unite in the Reparations Union to demand a Reparations Package for our people.

We are forming the Reparations Union to organize Black People around Reparations, so that we can be sure our Reparations Package includes an abundance of amenities for the 3 models of Reparations, which are Integration, Repatriation and Separation, known as collective compensation. African-Americans 18 and older should also receive individual compensation (a negotiated amount), since we were damaged individually and collectively the compensation should come in the same manner. We must be sure that Reparations does not materialize as affirmative action, welfare and other public assistance programs have where Whites, Jews and House Negroes render a plan that falls short of solving our problems. We can form the Reparations Union to take control of our own destiny by producing a Reparations Package that reflects the needs of our people.

1. The Union will form a much needed power base for African-Americans.
2. The Reparations Package will be understood as fair compensation for slavery and centuries of suffering, while providing social and economic justice for our people.
3. We will vote politicians out of office who do not support Reparations for Black People, or who are insensitive to our needs.
4. We will hold national boycotts of companies and products that discriminate or do not support Reparations for our people.
5. We will take legal action against all policemen who kill African-Americans.
6. Union resources will be used to build African-American factories and institutions to facilitate mass employment, better housing, health care and to address every other issue facing our people.
7. Union resources will also provide protection for our people including Black Spiritual Leaders, Politicians and all other Black professionals.
8. After being used to treating African-Americans so bad for hundreds of years is it an intelligent assumption to assume that society will give African-Americans justice in the courts today? Is it intelligent to think society is prepared to educate Blacks properly? Is it intelligent to think society is going to save or replace affirmative action, head start or other social programs that are known to have helped Blacks? Of course not. We must form the Union to improve society.
9. As we form the Union it will pave the way for White politicians, policemen and the average person in this nation to respect Black and Black People.
10. There are about 40 million Blacks in this nation along with about 40 million other peoples who know Blacks deserve Reparations.
11. The Union will be a success when the majority of our people find it necessary to
form the Union; the other peoples will join us in our mission.

In loving memory of our ancestors,
Bro. Pruitt ( CAAR )


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