In the last chapter we just ended at the 100th day of cathy's half-brother's birth and Cathy and Elva had challenged Zoe and Vicki to a singing competition.
   Zoe had just had an arguement with Cathy as Cathy had waited for Zoe outside after she had changed about to get ready for the competition but Cathy started being horrible to Zoe's idols and fanclub which then ended up Cathy slapping Zoe which Alex then slapped Vicki as a revenge for Zoe.
    Alex had just pulled Zoe away from everyone else to talk to her privately.

Alex: I would've!

Zoe shuffles back a few steps as it was too sudden for her
Chapter 5 - Love trick from <<HZGG>>
Zoe: You mean that you wasn't just trying to make Cathy angry and...
Alex: I mean..... I love you
Zoe: But we only met a few days ago and...and no your saying this...
Alex: I am honest in what I am saying to you right now and I am not trying to confuse you in anyway...I wasn't going to tell you as I wasn't too sure myself but after what has just happened I
Zoe: Don't say anymore. I know your just messing around. Jokes over I need to go back now..

   Zoe turns to go back but Alex pulls her back towards him and hugging Zoe tightly, gave her a kiss whilst Zoe was struggling to get away. When Zoe did finally get away from Alex's arms, a slap was what Alex recieved in return!

Zoe: Pervert!

   With that Zoe ran back inside stunned at Alex's behaviour. Alex was standing there with his on his face not knowing what to do.
    Back in backstage Alec was with Vicki waiting for Zoe and Alex to come back. Alec had told Vicki about Alex liking Zoe.

Alec: Where have they gone?
Vicki: Do you think he actually said anything to her in the end?
Alec: I don't know. He seemed unsure when I left him back at the balcony.
Vicki: Hey there's Alex!
Alec: So..?
Alex: So what?
Alec: Where's Zoe?
Alex: Don't metion it.
Alec: How can you fail...How can the plan not work?
Vicki: Told you it won't work. Zoe is Zoe not Xiao yan zi and your not Yong Qi. How can the plan that he used work on you?
Alec: What happened.? Where is she now?
Vicki: The shows going to start soon. How am I going to sing on my own?
Alex: What if she's not going to talk to me again? Not even be friends with me..
Alec: Calm down I'm sure Zoe won't leave Vicki on her own.

    Zoe was outside the main door of the hotel staring into the sky and thinking of what has just happened. The she suddenly hears a kind voice...

Alicia: Bored? Why don't you go and join everyone in the fun?
Zoe: I'm confused..don't know what to do..
Alicia: Actaully I heard what happened back then..
Zoe: Huh..You..saw everything?
Alicia: I didn't mean to peep or anything. I was just passing by but couldn't help seeing what was happening.
Zoe: Your one of the guest too?
Alicia: Yes you?
Zoe: relative.
Alicia: That guy up there seemed quite a nice guy to me. He didn't seemed to be lying.
Zoe: I know but..
Alicia: But he was just too rishing things and you hadn't thought things over yet right?
Zoe: *smiles back at this stranger. thinking why is she telling her all this?* Why aren't you inside?
Alicia: Saw you out here so I thought you might want to talk to someone. I think you better get back now. You have a competition to win.
Zoe: How did you...
Alicia: Never mind about that Know what your going to sing yet?
Zoe: *shakes her head*
Alicia: Know how to sing <<HZGG>>'s <<Can't part with you>>?
Zoe: Yeh..
Alicia: Could you sing that for me?
Zoe: Sure:-P
Alicia: You ok now? Don't let little things spoil your singing. I'll be cheering you on
Zoe: Thanks.
Alicia: Hurry now or else you'll get a cold with that dress on.