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Library Collection

Japanese Literature
Ariyoshi, S. - The Doctor's Wife
Asano, H. - An American Breakfast
Booth, A. – The Roads to Sata
Endo, S. – Silence
Endo, Shusaku - The Samurai
Friedman, B.J. - Tokyo Woes
Japan’s Best 'Short Letters to Mom'
Kawabata, Yasunari - The Sound of the Mountain 
Keene, D. - Essays in Idleness
Keene, D. - Modern Japanese Literature
Kuroyanagi,T. - Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window
Mishima, Y. - Confessions of a Mask
Mishima, Y. - Death in Midsummer
Mishima, Y. – Spring Snow
Mishima, Y. - The Decay of the Angel
Mishima, Y. - The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
Mori, K. - Shizuoka's Daughter
Murakami, H. - The Wind-up Bird Chronicle
Murasaki, L. - The Tale of Genji
Nakagami, K. - The Cape
Soseki, N. - Kokoro
Soseki, N. - I am a Cat II
Tawara, M. - Salad Anniversary
The Wonderful World of Sazae-san  Vol.5
Yoshimoto, B. - Kitchen

If you would like to borrow a book, contact the HyogoAJET Librarian.
You will receive a pre-stamped envelope with the books to return them in. You can have up to 3 books at one time.
This service is completely free for HyogoAJET members while non member people pay for the postage.

E-mail librarian@hyogoajet.org