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Library Collection

Japan - General
A Guide To Living In Japan
Around Hiroshima - Best Cultural Features
Athos, A.G. - The Art of Japanese Management
Balsamo, W.M. - Through the Window of a Train
Beasley, W.G. - The Rise of Modern Japan
Benedict, Ruth - The Chrysanthemum and the Sword
Berlitz : Japan (Guide)
Bisignani, J.D. - Japan Handbook
Brockman, T. - The Job Hunter’s Guide to Japan
Brown, J.D. – The Sudden Disappearance of Japan
Condon, J. - A Half Step Behind: Japanese Women Today
Constantine, P. - Japan's Sex Trade
De Mente, B. - Bachelor's Japan
De Mente, B. - Japan at Night
De Mente, B. - Women of the Orient
Downer, L. – On the Narrow Road
Earhart, H.B. - Religions of Japan
Feiler, Bruce S. - Learning to Bow: Inside the heart of Japan
Fodor's Japan 1992 (Guide)
Frommer’s Japan (Guide)
Hearn, L. – Stories of Mystery
Hearn, L. – Souls of Japan
Huddleston, J.N. - Running a Foreign Business in Japan
Imrie, R. - Japan Money Matters
Introduction to Japan
ITJ - On your own in Japan
Japanese Etiquette: An Introduction
Kinoshita, J. and N. Palevsky – Gateway to Japan
Japan Explorer
Krouse C.R. - A Guide to Food Buying in Japan
Kunio, Y. - Japanese Economic Development
Kyoto: Travel Guide
Living For Less in Tokyo
McQueen, I.L. - Budget Travel Guide to Japan
Megee, J.R. – Japan: Cheap and Easy
Mishima, Yukio - Sun and Steel
Miyazaki, I. - The Japanese Economy: What Makes It Tick? 
Mosher, G. - Kyoto: A Contemplative Guide
Najita, T. - Japan: The Intellectual Foundations of Modern Japanese Politics
Ozaki, R. - The Japanese: A Cultural Portrait
Pascale & Athos - The Art of Japanese Management
Reiber, Beth - Tokyo
Reischaur, E.O. and A.M. Craig – Japan: Tradition and Transformation
Sasamori, J. & Warner, G. - This is Kendo
Sedensky, E.C. - Winning Pachinko
Stapleton, Paul - Beneath the Surface
Storry, R. - Japan
Takagi, T. - The Way of the Samurai: East and West
Thomas Cook Traveller’s Japan
Today’s Japan (JTB)
Tokyo Today
Toland, J. - The Rising Sun
Tsunetomo, Y. - The Hagakure (Samurai)
Waller, A. - Being Here
Wharton - Jobs in Japan
White, M. - The Japanese Educational Challenge 
Wilson D. - The Sun at Noon

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This service is completely free for HyogoAJET members while non member people pay for the postage.

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