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Library Collection

Health / Spiritual
Canfield, J. and hansen, M.V. - Chicken Soup for the Soul
Castaneda, C. - The Eagle's Gift
Castaneda, C. - The Second Ring of Power
Castaneda, C. - Journey to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don Juan
Chopich, E.J./Paul, M. - Healing Your Aloneness
Chopra, D. - Ageless Body, Timeless Mind
Chopra, D. - Perfect Weight
Copeland, K. & G. - From Faith To Faith
Diamond, H. & M. - Fit For Life 
Diamond, H. & M. - Fit For Life II: Living Health
Edelman, H. - Motherless Daughters
Fromm, Erick - The Art of Loving
Hollander, D. - 101 Lies Men Tell Women and Why Women Believe Them
Norwood, R. - Women Who Love Too Much
Peale, N.V. - The Power of Positive Thinking
Redfield, J. - The Celestine Prophecy
Redfield, J. - The Tenth Insight
Sharma, C.H. - A Manual of Homeopathy and Natural Medicine 
Weil, A. - Spontaneous Healing
Weight Watcher's Complete Food Companion
Woodward, M.A. - Edgar Cayce's Story of Karma (2)

If you would like to borrow a book, contact the HyogoAJET Librarian.
You will receive a pre-stamped envelope with the books to return them in. You can have up to 3 books at one time.
This service is completely free for HyogoAJET members while non member people pay for the postage.

E-mail librarian@hyogoajet.org