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General Fiction

Abbey, E. - The Monkey Wrench Gang
Adams, R. - Watership Down
Allende, I. - The House of Spirits
Alley, R. - Last Tango in Paris
Andrews, V. - Web of Dreams
Angelou,M. - I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Archer, J. - A Twist in the Tale
Archer, J. - Not A Penny More, Not A Penny Less
Archer, J. - Shall We Tell The Preseident 
Allende, I. – The Infinfite Plan
Amis, M. – The Information
Atwood, M. - Life Before Man
Atwood, M. – The Blind Assassin
Atwood, M. - The Edible Woman
Atwood, M. - The Handmaid's Tale
Ayckbourn, A. - Three Plays
Bach, R. - Illusions
Bach, R. - Running From Safety
Baldwin, J. - Go Tell It On The Mountain
Baldwin, J. - If Beale Street Could Talk
Barnes, Julian - Cross Channel
Barnes, J. – England, England
Barth, J. - The Floating Opera
Barton, F. - The El Cholo Feeling Passes
Beauchemin, Yves - The Alley Cat
Berendt, J. – Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Bernstein, P.L. – Against The Odds
Binchy, Maeve - Circle of Friends
Blume, Judy - Smart Women
Bohjoilian, C. - Midwives
Boyd, W. - The Blue Afternoon
Bradford, B.Taylor - Dangerous to Know
Bradford, B.Taylor - Voice of the Heart
Bradford, B. Taylor - Where you belong
Bragg, M. - Credo
Braine, J. - The Crying Game
Braine, J. - Room at the Top
Braithwaite, M. - Never Sleep 3 in a Bed
Braithwaite, M. -The Night We Stole the Mountie's Car
Brookner, Anita - Providence
Brown, S. - The Witness
Buck, P.S. – Imperial Woman
Byatt, A.S. - Babel Tower
Cao, L. – Monkey Bridge
Calvino, I. - The Nonexistent Knight & The Cloven Viscount
Carpenter, A. – The Last Steps
Carter, F. - The Education of Little Tree
Casey, J. – Spartina
Chadwick, Elizabeth - First Knight
Chang - Wild Swans
Chase, L. - The Oath
Cherryh, C.J. - Rusalka
Clavell, J. - Gai-jin
Clavell, J. - King Rat
Clavell, J. - Noble House
Clavell, J. - Shogun
Clavell, J. – Tai-Pan
Collins, J. - American Star
Collins, R.J. – Max Danger – The Adventures of an Expay in Tokyo
Conroy, P. - Beach Music
Cookson, C. - Tilly Trotter Wed
Cookson, C. - The Year of the Virgins
Cooper, J. - Class
Corman, A. - The Old Neighbourhood
Coupland, D. - Girlfriend in a Coma
Crichton, M. - Airframe
Crichton, M. - A Case of Need
Crichton, M. - Congo
Crichton, M. - Disclosure
Crichton, M. - Eaters of the Dead
Crichton, M. - Five Patients
Crichton, M. - Jurassic Park
Crichton, M. - Rising Sun
Crichton, M. - Sphere
Crichton, M. - Timeline
Crichton, M. - The Lost World
Crichton, M. - The Terminal Man
Dahl, R. - The Best of Roald Dahl
Dailey - Tangled Vines
Davies, R. - The Lyre of Orpheus
Davies, R. – The Salterron Trilogy
Davies, R. - What's Bred in the Bone
Delinsky, B. – A Woman’s Place
Delinsky, B. - Three Wishes
Del Vecchio, J.M. - The 13th Valley
DeMille, N. - The Gold Coast
Denny, L. - Water from the Moon
Dobbs, M. - To Play The King
Drabble - The Gates of Ivory
Dufort - Defrosting Edmund
Dunne - The Two Mrs. Grenvilles
Dye, D. - Duty and Dishonor 
Eco, U. – Foucault’s Pendulum
Ellison, R. - Invisible Man
Emerson-White, E. - All Emergencies, Ring Super
Erdich, L./Dorris M. - The Crown of Columbus
Erskine, B. - The Child of the Phoenix
Erskine, B. - The Lady of Hay
Esquivel, L. - Like Water for Chocolate
Evans, M.A. – Nell
Evans, N. – The Horse Whisperer
Fielding, H. - Bridget Jones's Diary
Flagg, F. - Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Café
Follett, K. – A Place Called Freedom
Ford, R. - Women with Men
Forester, C.S. - Hornblower and the Crisis
Forester, C.S. - Hornblower and the “Hotspur”
Forester, C.S. - Hornblower During the Crisis
Forester, C.S. - Lieutenant Hornblower
Forester, C.S. - Mr. Midshipman Hornblower
Fowles, J. - The French Lieutenant's Woman
Frazier, C. - Cold Mountain
Fredriksson, M. - Simon and the Oaks
Freud, Esther - Hideous Kinky
Friedman, K. – More Kinky Friedman
Fuller, I. - The Loon Feather
Gaarder - Sophie’s World
Gamble, B. - Out of Season
Gardener - Through a Glass Darkly
Gedge, P. - The Hippopotamus Marsh
Gedge, P. - The Oasis
Godden, R. - In This House of Brede
Goldsmith, O. - First Wives Club
Gordimer - Burger’s Daughter
Gould, Judith - Dazzle
Greene, B. - All Summer Long
Guest, J. - Ordinary People
Guest, J. - Second Heaven
Gurganus, A - Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All
Hailey, Arthur - Overload
Hailey, Arthur - Queen
Hailey, Arthur - The Money-changers
Hammett, D. - The Big Knock-Over
Hansen, R. - Mariette In Ecstasy
Harrison - Both Your Houses
Hasford, G. - The Short-timers
Haynes, Melinda - Mother of Pearl
Healy, J. – Streets Above Us
Hegi, Ursula - Stones from the River
Herriot, J. - All Creatures Great and Small
Hesse, H. - Siddhartha
Hiaasen, Carl - Strip Tease
Hoban, R. - Riddley Walker
Hodgins, J. - Innocent Cities
Hoffman, A. - Second Nature
Hope, Christopher - Darkest England
Howard, E.J. - Something in Disguise
Hurston, Z.N. – Their Eyes Were Watching God
Ibbotson, E. – A Song For Summer
Inglis, J. - Father of Lies
Irving, J. - A Widow for One Year
Irving, J. - The Hotel New Hampshire
Irving, J. - The Water-Method Man
Irwin, M. - The Proud Servant
Jacobi, S. - Going Naked is the Best Disguise
James, P. - Alchemist

Johnston, T.C. - Whisper of the Wolf
Jong, Erica - Fear of Flying
Kelly, Cathy - Woman to Woman
Kennedy, W. - Very Old Bones
Kerouac, Jack - On the Road
Keyes, M. - Last Chance Salon
Keyes, M. - Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married
Kingslover, B. - Pigs in Heaven
Kingslover, B. - Prodigal Summer
Kogawa, Joy - Obasan
Lamb, Wally - She's Come Undone
Lapierre, D. - City of Joy 
Laurence, Margaret - The Diviners
LeCarre, J. - A Perfect Sky
Lee, L. - Farewell to my Concubine
Lennox, J. - Some Old Lover's Ghost
Lesley, C. - River Song
Lesley, C. - Winterkill
Lodge, D. - Nice Work
Lovelace, E. - The Wine of Astonishment
Lurie, Alison - The Nowhere City
Malamund, B. – Rembrandt’s Hat
Mailer, Norman - The Deer Park
Maler, P.L. – A Skeleton in God’s Closet
Mansell, J. - Solo
Marshall, C. - Christy
Marshall, S. - A Nest of Magpies
Maupin, A. - Maybe the Moon
Mayle, P. - Anything Considered
McCullough, C. - An Indecent Obsession
McDonald, R. – Mr. Darwin’s Shooter
McElroy Ansa, T. – The Hand I Fan With
McInerney, J. - Brightness Falls
McMillan, T. - How Stella Got Her Groove Back
McMillan, T. - Waiting to Exhale
McMurty, L. - Lonesome Dove 
Metalious, G. - Peyton Place
Michaels, A. – Fugitive Pieces
Michener, J.A. - The Convent
Mitchell, M. - Scarlett
Mitchard, J. - The Deep End of the Ocean
Montgomery, L.M. - Anne of Green Gables
Moody, R. - The Ice Storm
Moody, S. - The return to the Secret Garden
Mooney, Bel - The Fourth of July
Moore, B. - The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne
Morrison, T. - Song of Solomon
Morrison, T. - The Bluest Eye
Mosley, W. - Devil in a Blue Dress
Mowat, F. - The Desperate People
Mowat, F. - The Snow Walker
Nadas, P. - A Book of Memories
Newman, P.C. - Company of Adventurers
Newman, P.C. - Caesars of the Wilderness
Norman, Hilary - Laura
Ozeki, R.L. - My Year of Meat
Palmer, E. - The Stainless Angel
Parker, R.B. - Love and Glory
Pate, A. - Amistad
Pilcher, R. - Coming Home
Pilcher, R. - The Carousel
Pirsig, R.M. - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Pollen, Bella - All About Men
Porter, K.A. - Pale Horse, Pale Rider
Pratchett, T. – The Truth
Preston, R. – The Hot Zone
Rand, A. – The Fountainhead
Reeman, D. - The Destroyers
Reilly, Matthew - Temple
Reve, G. - Parents Worry
Rhys, J. - Wide Sargasso Sea
Rice, A. - Interview with the Vampire
Rice, A. - Servant of the Bones
Rice, A. - The Witching Hour
Rice, A. - Vittorio the Vampire
Richter, C. - Light in the Forest
Ridley, J. - Love is a Racket
Ridpath, M. – Free to Trade
Robbins, H. - Memories of Another Day
Robbins, T. - Even Cowgirls get the Blues
Roberts, Nora - Daring To Dream
Roberts, N. - Heart of the Sea
Roberts, N. - Hidden Riches
Roberts, N. - Montana Sky
Roberts, N. - The Reef
Roberts, N. - The Rivers End
Rodi, Robert - Fag Hag
Rohan, C. - The Delinquents
Ross, D.F. - Oregon!
Rutherford, E. - London
Sagan, F. - Those Without Shadows
Sanders, Lauren - Kamikaze Lust
Scanlan, P. - Mirror Mirror
Scott, P. - The Jewel in the Crown
Shelby, P. - This Far from Paradise
Sheldon, S. – Bloodline
Sheldon, S. – A Stranger in the Mirror
Sheldon, S. - If Tomorrow Comes
Sheldon, S. – Master of the Game
Sheldon, S. - Memories of Midnight
Sheldon, S. - Morning, Noon and Night
Sheldon, S. - Nothing Lasts Forever
Sheldon, S. - Rage of Angels
Sheldon, S. - The Sands of Time
Sheldon, S. - Windmills of the Gods
Shields, C. - Mary Swann
Siddons, A.R. - Colony
Simpson, M. - Anywhere But Here
Sinclair, U. - The Jungle
Smiley, J. - A Thousand Acres
Smith, T. - Common Passions
Smith, W. – Elephant Song
Soto. G: - Living up the Street
Spencer, LaVyrle - Home Song
Steel, Danielle - Bittersweet
Steel, D. – Fine Things
Steel, D. - Heartbeat
Steel, D. - Irresistible Forces
Steel, D. - Lightning
Steel, D. - Message from Nam
Steel, D. - The Ghost
Steel, D. - The Gift
Steel, D. - The House on Hope Street
Steel, D. - Thurston House
Steel, D. - Vanished
Stephens, J. - The Charwoman's Daughter
Stow, R. – The Merry-Go-Round in the Sea
Stow, R. - To the Islands
Strong, Eithne - The Love Riddle
Tan, A. - The Kitchen God's Wife
Tan, Amy - The Hundred Secret Senses
Tan, Amy - The Joy Luck Club 
Tannahill, R. - Return of the Stranger
Thompson, J. - Willie and Phil
Toland, J. - Gods of War
Trevor, W. - Elizabeth Alone
Trollope, Joanna - The Best of Friends
Tyler, Anne - A Slipping Down Life
Tyree, O. - Flyy Girl
Updike, J. - Rabbit Run
Vidal, G. - The Smithsonian Institution
Vidal, Gore - Myra Breckenridge
Vonnegut, K. - Bluebeard
Vonnegut, K. - Slapstick
Vonnegut, K. - Cat's Cradle
Voznesenskaya, J. - The Star Chernobyl
Wallace, I. - Guest of Honour
Waller, R.J. - The Bridges of Madison County
Webb, C. - The Graduate
Webb, J. - The Emperor's General
Welsh, Irvine - Ecstasy
Welsh, I.- Trainspotting
White, A. - Rich Deceiver
Williams, J. - Taking Care
Williamson, K . - The Jacaranda Years
Winterson, J. - Oranges are not the only fruit
Wolfe, Tom - A Man in Full
Wouk, Herman - The Hope
Xingjian, G. - The Japanese and the Jews
Young, D. - Chasing An Ancient Greek 

If you would like to borrow a book, contact the HyogoAJET Librarian.
You will receive a pre-stamped envelope with the books to return them in. You can have up to 3 books at one time.
This service is completely free for HyogoAJET members while non member people pay for the postage.

E-mail librarian@hyogoajet.org