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Library Collection

Academic Disciplines
Asahi Shimbun Japan Almanac 1996
Barber, B.R. - Superman and Common Men
Barron's Dictionary of Accounting Terms
Barron's Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms
Barron’s New Student Concise Encyclopedia
Bartlett, S. - The Money Machine
Blackmore, S. – The Meme Machine
Bryson, B. - Mother Tongue
Campbell, J. - Occidental Mythology
Campbell, J. - The Hero with a Thousand Faces
Dobbs-Higginson, M.S. - Asia Pacific: Its Role In The New World Order
Dreze, J. and A. Sen - India: Economic Development and Social Opportunity
Drucker, P.F. - The New Realities
Eiseley, L. - The Immense Journey
Feynmann, R.P.-"Surely You're Joking Mr Feynmann!"
Flaste, R. - New York Times Book of Science Literacy
Fromm, E. - The Art of Loving (2)
Gell-Mann, M. - The Quark and the Jaguar
Goleman,D. - Emotional Intelligence
Goodall, J. - In The Shadow of Man
Halberstom, D. - The Fifties
Havel, V. - Summer Meditations
Hawking, S.W. - A Brief History of Time
Hite, S. – The Hite Report on the Family: Growing Up Under Patriarchy
Hitler, A. - Mein Kampf
(ed.) Jung, C.G. - Man and His Symbols
Klopf, D.W. - Inter-Cultural Encounters
Lewis, C.S. - The Four Loves
Myrdal, G. - Asian Drama
Mulder, N. - Inside Thai Society
Nicholson, R.A. - The Mystics of Islam
Nietzsche, F. - Beyond Good and Evil
Palmer, D. - Looking At Philosophy
Pollitt, K. - Reasonable Creatures
Peck, M.Scott - The Road Less Traveled
Raritan (A Quarterly Review) – Fall 1991
Raritan (A Quarterly Review) – Winter 1992
Redwood, J. – The Global Marketplace
Robinson, J. - Economic Philosophy
Slater, P. - The Persuit of Loneliness
Stewart, James B. - Den of Thieves
Tindall, G.B./Shi, D.E. - America
Toffler, A. - Future Shock
Ueland, B. - If You Want to Write
Van Lawick-Goodall, J. - In the Shadow of Man
Ward, G.K. - Letters of a Businessman to his Son
White, R.K. - Nobody Wanted War

If you would like to borrow a book, contact the HyogoAJET Librarian.
You will receive a pre-stamped envelope with the books to return them in. You can have up to 3 books at one time.
This service is completely free for HyogoAJET members while non member people pay for the postage.

E-mail librarian@hyogoajet.org