Moonlight Evaluation

Scenario 3: Deploy to a new Location

Estimated Time: 10 minutes

Background: You want to roll out the Web site to the Seattle location. The Seattle Web server (http://hostname:8012) uses the same software (Apache), but the configuration file (httpd.conf) and the home page (index.html) need to be unique for the Seattle location. The Apache Model already contains Moonlight templates for these files. Moonlight will automatically create the unique files for the Seattle location when you distribute the model.

Note: For more information about models and templates, see How Moonlight Works.

If you are not logged in to Moon Portal, do so now. See Starting Moonlight.

To distribute the Web site to Seattle
  1. Click the Targets tab.

  2. Click the Seattle target to select it. The list of available models appears.

  3. Select Dist Target from the Action drop-down menu for the Apache Model, and click Go.

  4. On the Dist Target page, select the Generate files from templates check-box, and click Distribute.

  5. Moonlight creates the unique files for Seattle, distributes the Apache model, starts the Apache server, and returns you to the Targets > Seattle page.

  6. Refresh the page (CTRL + R) until you see the result. Notice that the Apache Model appears in green, and the result of the distribution is Successful.

  7. Now, access the Seattle Web site to make sure it was rolled out properly.

  8. Solaris Users: The Moonlight evaluation version of Apache uses RedHat rather than Solaris binaries, so you cannot start the Apache server on Solaris. To verify the distribution, open the Seattle index.html file on disk to verify that it is correct, where <MOON_HOME> is the location where the Moonlight evaluation is installed:


    Linux Users: Type the following URL in your browser, where hostname is the machine where the Moonlight evaluation is installed:

  9. The Seattle home page displays.

  10. Note: If the Seattle home page does not display, you may have forgotten to generate the templates when you distributed the model. Repeat steps 3-7.

  11. Click the back button on your browser to return to Moon Portal.


Moonlight's templating capability allowed you deploy the right configurations for the Seattle site. Moonlight created a unique configuration file (httpd.conf) and home page (index.html) when it distributed the Apache model. Moonlight templates allow you to quickly and easily deploy unique configurations to several servers at once without custom scripting.

Move on to Scenario 4: Exploring the Apache Model.

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