TV Commercial
(to be aired on CNN)
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Stationary shot of sunset over Salt Lake City; the camera pans slowly after a moment, the skyline goes by, and the shot comes to rest upon a surprisingly near Olympic flag. Pause. The only sound is the whistling wind.

Announcer: This flag does not mark a city of glory, as it once did, but one of greed.

Rapid (two-second) zoom through city into mayoral office; movement changes to slow-motion; his feet are on the desk, he is smiling, and his phone is clutched precariously in his left hand. As the announcer begins to speak again, his smile fades.

During the past few months, a series of shocking discoveries has been unleashed upon an unsuspecting world.

Extreme close-up: mayor’s eye. It blinks audibly, in slow motion, as he speaks.

It seems that the acquisition of the next winter Olympics by Salt Lake city was the result not of fair and honest deliberation, but of bribery on a heretofore unimaginable scale. Tokyo,

Rapidly moving aerial shot of nighttime Tokyo


Rapidly moving aerial shot of daytime Madrid





Each in turn were revealed as willing participants in the scam. And the IOC—well...

Shot of IOC members, smiling, facing camera.

They have each accepted bribes in excess of $100,000,

IOC members are now each holding a briefcase. They open them, and the money flutters out, through the air.

Accepted free meals,

Shot of IOC at restaurant, enjoying themselves tremendously.

Land parcels,

Each member in turn at ribbon-cutting ceremony, shots in quick succession.

College scholarships.

Row of framed photographs, each of a college graduate in similar hat-tossing pose.

But one thing the IOC won’t accept is American Express.

Shot of IOC; members wear startled, puzzled expressions.

Shot of smiling IOC. Shot of Olympic flag, beautifully translucent in the sunlight. Visa card appears in middle of white screen as next line is said.

Visa. It’s everywhere you want to be.

© 2000 Ben Yates (Go ahead, click here.)