If you are searching for meaning in these pages,
remember that this is poetry...it's like music. 
Don't say I understand...don't say I know.

Was there a cure for 
Yunus Emre ?
What was
Rumi searching?
Ramana Maharshi opened the door
Nisargadatta Maharaj's lines repeated.

There are so many others to list: Orhan Veli, Umit Yasar, Cahit Sitki
and ...  whoever knew Turkan Ildeniz?

Poetry perpetuates its secret with such ease
The way a sage can speak it with precision
Well--it's also a bit obscure...
Whenever rains fall on the desert
Like those nights of silence
Foreign violets bloom there

Thanks to Turkan Ildeniz and Talat Sait Halman 

Precious love I'll give it to you  Blue as the sky and deep in the
Eyes of a love so true  Beautiful face  You make me feel
Lite on the stairs and lost in the  Air of a love so real 

--lyrics by Jesse Barish
Rumi Discussion group
Yunus Emre group
Omar Khayyam
Mystical knowledge
Flowers links:
Hur Guler Poetry and Mystical Pages