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Attendants: Bari Baker and Barbara Duncan Attendants: Steffie Jacobs, Susan Coleman, Yvonne Barnes,  Steffie McGann

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Attendants: Sally Stover, Nancy Straight, Becky Phillips Attendants: Stephanie McGann, Lee Ann Bennett

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I, Anne Birkhead, being of sound mind, I think (?) leave my great grades and wonderful times at HHS to my brother, Geoff.
Joe Cassis, being of sound mind and body, do hereby will to anybody my seat in Miss Potts' room.
David D. Messinger, being of sound mind and body, do hereby will my ability to skip successfully periods 1 through 6 to my brother Rodney.
Anne Minton, being of sound mind and body, do hereby will to Patty Johnson one skirt so she may have one to wear to school during her senior year.
Linda Martin, being of weak mind and sound body, do hereby leave to my sister, Wanda, my seat in Coach Sang's American History class.
Mary Bruce McCulIoch, being of feeble mind and feeble body, will Brenda Johnson a piece of string, to remember me by.
Sharon Hanshaw, being of sound mind, will my chartreuse pen to Mr.Greenlee for writing his admits.
Rodger L. Hall (Hawkeye), being of sound mind and sound body, will my seat in Coach Way's second period social problems class to Keith Adkins.
Lee Mossman, being of sound body?? and mind, do hereby will and bequeath my old place in the second floor hall to Pinhead.
Janice Riddle, will to Tom Peterson three compasses, one to leave in his pants at home, one to leave in his locker, and finally, one to use in class.
Russell Myers, being sound of mind and weak of body, do hereby will and bequeath to Mrs. McDaniel all my spitball throwing skills.
James Mitchell, who after 12 years of School, have lost my soundness of mind, do hereby bequeath my broken locker to some poor, unsuspecting sophomore.
Linda Meadows, being of reasonably sound mind and extremely sound body, do hereby will to Peggy Anderson, my ability to walk in Mrs. Nichols' first period class every other Friday with Tatlers in hand and the color of embarrassment flooding my wheels, and to some "lucky" unknown, my much coveted ability to pass all my English grammar tests with A plus - after three UNSUCCESSFUL TRIES!
Dave Mossburg, being of sound mind and body, do hereby will to Dave Mossburg another fine, happy, twistless year at HHS.
Burma Joyce Walker, being of sane mind and body, do will Mrs. Litton to Janice Merritt, Becky Cook and Roberta Lewis. To Miss Newman and Miss Yarbrough I leave my twisting records. To Roger Wise I will one red freckle. And to Joe Taylor the job as manager of the New York Stock Exchange, To Mary Ann Wheeler the memory of that second period class, also the teacher. To Lynn Lewis I will Mrs. De SiIva.
Almedia Plybon, will my seat in social problems in Coach Way's class to Judie Jackson.
Jerry Pike, being of sound mind and sound body, do hereby bequeath to Pat Bailey all my good times, and to Danny Smith my all day parking place in the two-hour parking zone on 8th Street.
Pat Pierson, being of sound mind and body, hereby bequeath my good times on bus trips to Alan Wade, and my nickname "Beaver' to MariIyn Kopp.
Craig Westfall and Bill Turnbull, being of sound minds and bodies, do hereby will to James S. McVay the following: Locker number 263B, Mrs. Catherine Heath, Huntington High School, our accumulation of marvelous grades, and the presidency of the "TRI-A-S-K" Club.
Angela Tweel, do hereby bequeath to my brother Charles the English Department at HHS in hopes that he will allow the kids time to do things other than English.
Nancy LeMaster, being of sound mind and weak body, do leave to Janet Willey my seat in Glee Club which has an arm rest.
Wanda Murphy, being of unsound mind and feeble body, do hereby will and bequeath my elevator pass, good for three years, to some deserving sophomore. And to Evelyn Travis and Helen Sizemore do I will my needle, thread and especially my ripper, which is almost worn out, and hope that they will put them to good use.
Charles Yarbrough, being of stale mind and questionable health, do hereby will to Louie Lewis a good time in Student Council next year. BUT, in the hope she will find another laughing partner.
Harvey Taylor, Rick Bunn, Bob Starkey, Bill Wilcox, Ric Steiner, Bob Wysong, Bert Wright, and Joel Galperin, better known as "The Tee Totalers" being of sober (?) mind and (??) body, do lawfully will to Miss Mae Newman a lifetime membership in the Temperance Union Local No. 101.
Ramona Smith, win to Sharon Jordan all my good times at HHS.
Mary Ann Fillinger, in sound mind and body, do hereby will my sewing machine in Mrs. De Silva's class to Karen Thrash, Gail Akers, and Lynn Lewis. By the way, girls, it's broken.
Kay Bowyer, will my seat in Mr. Berry's C. O. to some lucky sophomore.
Keasley Carnes, will my ability to get into trouble with all my teachers and stay in Mr. Greenlee's office as much as possible to David Riggs.
Harriet Taylor, being of sound mind and body do hereby will to Barbara Myers my broken down sewing machine and to Donna Oakes five classes with Mrs. Donahoe.
Freda Thomas, being of sound mind and body, do hereby will to Brenda Hudson my seat in Coach Way's class
BiI1 Allen, Jr., being in sound mind and body will all my natural charm and basketball ability to Lewis Bowman.
Paul Allen, being in sound mind and body, will all my good looks and football ability to my younger brother, Joe Allen.
Larry Bias, being of weak mind and strong body, will my seat in C. O. to any member of the B. P.
Sheila Stone, being of sober mind and strong ?? body, do willfully and earnestly leave my "membership cards" to Steve Davis, "Batman", and "Chico", so that they may carry on my "faithful work."
Lee Mossman, being of flabby body and destructive mind, do hereby will and bequeath one old used box lunch to Pinhead.
Mary Witt, being of sound body and tired brain, do hereby will and bequeath my seat in Mrs. Litton's second period social problems class and Mrs. Heath's third period College English class to Martha Lunkley, in hopes that she wiI1 have as much fun as I did and learn as much as I did.
Crissy Smith, being of sound mind and body, leave all my left over oil paints (if there are any left, in that case you can have the tubes) to Jan Jenkins.
Clark Reynolds, being of extra weak mind and body, do hereby will and bequeath my seat in front of Mrs. Heath's class to anybody who has the nerve to take it and to Butch Adkins my ability to pass advanced algebra.
Ann Peoples, being of sound mind and body, will to Judy Hendricks my ability to get along with Charlie Yarbrough and to MariIyn Kopp what's left of my brains seeing as she will need them to remain a cheerleader.
Dana Lucas, in sound mind and body, do hereby will all my happiness at HHS to Patty Ginger.
Karen Vannoy, will to Charlotte WiImar my ability to stay at school for thirteen hours before the Spring Concert.
Pat Zimmerman, being of sound mind, will to Carol Withrow my phone booth at Brown's so she will be able to talk to Willie at noon.
Joyce Madden, being of weary mind and body do hereby will and gracefully give my seat in Mr. Nichols' chemistry lab to Judy Curtis, and wish her lots of luck.
Natalie Pace, being of weak mind and even weaker body, do will to Karen Parsons my ability to get along with Mrs. Windsor.
Connie Marcum, of sound body and weak mind will my ability of getting out of giving reports in social problems to any senior student who needs it.
Barbara Thomas, being of sound mind and tired body, will to Alan Franke1 my most unscrupulous ability to play tennis and graduate.
Pam Parsons, being of sound mind and almost sound body, do hereby will my seat in chemistry to Mary Martha Rogers and my almost clean locker to Harriet Weaver.
Sharon Michael RiIey, being of weak mind and great intestinal fortitude leave to the 1963 Huntingtonian staff three pills to be taken once a day. One for control of temper, one to enhance work and one for plain ol' devilment.
Bari Baker and Emmy Ruffier, being of unsound minds and unsound bodies, will the broken glass, crumpled chrome strips, etc., left at the scene of Charleston Ave. and Eighteenth Street, and the ability to make perfect U-turns at Twelfth Ave. and Fourth Street to Brub Slack in hopes that he will learn to drive as well as we have.
Jane Brereton Keay, being of weak mind and body will to the '63 Annual staff all the fun I have had this year and the beat of luck!
Jim Hovey, being of not very sound mind and body will my bowling ball to Louise Francois.
Rosemarie Howell, being of very weak mind and body do hereby will and bequeath to my sister, "Herbie" my beloved peroxide bottle so that I may no longer have to hear "I'd rather be dead than red on the head."
Sally Stover, being of weak mind and body do hereby will to Dorinne Walker one locker full of junk to do with as she pleases, and to Mike Tackett my good study habits.
Bunny Wheeler, being of noisy mind and sound body, hereby will to anyone who wants it the ability to make out neat bills for The Tatler.
Nancy Brown, being of evil mind and feeble body, do hereby will to Mr. Greenlee, J. F. K.'s sideburns, to Betsy Rich T.A.F. or S.P. and a June wedding, and to "Doodles" a lock of my wig and one duck.
Shirley K. Browning, being of warped mind and feeble body to hereby bequeath my crazy mixed up combination mirror to Peg Wood.
Brenda Burk, being of disturbed mind and body, do hereby will to Peggy Anderson my standing room at McNeer's.
Orelaine Moncer, do will to the adequately equipped Huntington Fire Department my good 'ole Alma Mater.
Brenda Gayle Poling Burke, being of sane one half mind do w ill to Donna Gayle Oakes a successful class in sewing next year. To Barbara Gale Myers luck in putting the zippers in right in her skirts in sewing.
Natalie Pace, Carol Manus, Benny Ramsey, Anne Minton, Butch Gerber, Janet Rose, and Peggy Edwards, being of sound minds and pitiful bodies do will and bequeath our wonderfu1 times at H. H. S. to Patti Johnson, Becky Turman, Anita Atkins, Becky Sanson, Diana Petty, Linda Glacier and Patty Ginger.
Susan Coleman, do hereby will my ability to talk to Carolyn Jackson in hope that it will bring her more advantage than it has to me.
Catherine Herbster, will my seat in Mrs. Heath's senior college English class to any junior who is lucky enough to get her.
Larry Baker, of weary mind and weak body, will my three year Biology book to some unlucky sophomore.
Margaret Adkins, being of sound mind and body will to Miss Adkins my originality.
Barbara Akers, of feeble mind and sound body, do hereby will to Marilyn Nease and "Dob" my ability to be late to practically every class as a result of talking to a certain person too long.

I, Arne Amorsen, being of unsound mind and strong body will my look-out post in C. O. to some lucky sophomore.
Barbara Duncan, being of sound mind and body do wild my old and shabby crutches to Mrs. Litton so she may have them "in case of accident."
Lavonda Nowlin, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath my intelligence and ability to get along with Mrs. Donahoe to my sister Donata.
Laurie Cahill, being of sane mind (?) and sound body do hereby bequeath "my" Huntington East High School letter sweater and class ring to Coach Miller who will put them to good use. To Marilyn Kopp I leave one half-empty bottle of H202 (hydrogen Peroxide). Last but not least, I leave the "Peppermint Twist" to all frustrated teen-agers.
Christine Deppe, of sound mind and body, do hereby leave the precious name Schweinerie to Kathy Clay that she may fondly remember the Germans.
Stanley Davis, being in sound mind and body, do will my ability to jive the teachers to George Dickens.
Rosemary Meador, being of sound body and weak mind, do hereby will to Jill Stanley and the gang my dilapidated locker in which I hope they will have better luck with it than I did.
Janice Allen, being of sound mind and body, do hereby~wil1 to some deserving junior or senior my most used possession Since I've been in high school, my walking shoes, hoping they will get as much mileage out of them as I have.
Sam Massey, being of sound mind and strong body, do hereby will my war ball throwing arm to the boys in fourth period gym class.
Henry Kayes, leave my seat in English class and my ability to get along with Mrs. Heath to Steve, if he should have her next year.
Kay Carics, will to Coach Sang a book entitled, "How to Win Friends and Influence People."
George Booth, being of feeble mind and even worse physical condition, do hereby will to any forlorn slob my determination and will power to lose weight.
Bob Wysong, being of vacant mind and round body, do hereby and thereby and whereby will to Sir Ron Tweel the ability to twist "All Night Long."
Ricky Bunn, being of a wicked mind and feeble body will to Becky Sanson my ability to twist at school.
James A. Buckland, being of, well, almost sound mind do hereby will all my possessions in band, namely the cymbals, to any sophomores (the sucker).
Kenneth Fuller, being of weak mind and puny body, do will to Miss Copenhaver and next year's Glee Club a year's supply of nerve pills.
Bonnie Dowden, will all of my problems of being late to Carl "Buddy" Fuller.
Marie Gibson, being of bound mind and body, do hereby leave the new cheerleaders my ability to get along with Mrs. Stewart, and to Mrs. Litton another trio like Ann P., Chris A., and myself in the same class of her next year.
the first PSSC Physics class of Huntington High, do will and bequeath to lair. F. H. Jones the fudged experiments; the broken equipment; the sabotaged laboratory; the copied problems, the postponed recitations; the "collaborated" notebooks; one slightly used 5 foot swordfish; Fletcher Paine; instructions to "make and do" and to "keep those electrons flowing", and all the "nice little bits of physics" which we "came over" in class.
Lana Travis, will to my sister, Evelyn Travis, my seat in Coach Way's class.
Kay Thornburg, being of sound mind (?) and body, will to anyone who will be in the Glee Club next year, my horrible voice.
Jonny Stephenson, do hereby leave to Billy Ballard my ability to stay awake on Friday nights in front of certain private places.
John Bailey, being of sound mind and long body, do hereby bequeath my skill in basketball to any boy needing it.
Sharon Wheeler, being of a weak mind and a pleasantly plump body, do hereby will and bequeath my ability to eat dill pickle sandwiches to Shirley Smith; it's great!!
Gwendolyn Rush, although being in sound mind and body, am unable to leave anything since I have nothing.
Faye Johnson, being of sound mind and body will my ability hi get along with Miss Yarbrough to Jackie Johnson.
Lee Ann Bennett, being of sound mind and body, do hereby will to a lucky upcoming majorette the thrill of marching up Eighth Street for the first time.
Janet Hoy, being of sound mind, win to Kappy Johnson my ability to always make the honor roll.
Sally Fletcher, being of slightly strong body and exhausted mind hereby will my locker in the second floor hall that was so conveniently taken away from me, to someone who may be a little smarter than I am and who will be able to keep it all year.
Damon Cooke, being of sound mind and strong body will and bequeath the Big Bear "space" to Steve Yarian, that is, when it's available.
Trisha Nottingham Price, being of an unbalanced mind, will one hundred calling cards to anyone who can get rid of them.
Brooks Drake, well to my "little brother" Jim all my problems and good times with the band when he is Head Drum Major next year.
Marylou Woodward, being of a flexible mind and fully proportioned body, wish to will and bequeath to David Price my ability to never let Mr. Morris have a peaceful day and the desire and ability to graduate.
Danny Myers, being of sound mind and unsound body, do hereby bequeath my seat in Senior science class to Carol Smith and my Beaver Patrol Card to Myron Burton.
Delores Goard, will my ability to get along with people to Inez Johnson.
Margaret Sue Coleman, being of weak mind and strong body will to Kathy Spoors my wonderful experiences in Mr. Nichol's chemistry class, my ability to walk the cat walk and my love of band musicians in hope that he will benefit as much as I did.
Susan Broh, being of sound mind and body, will to Charlie Kincaid the Forum Club, to Gail Coleman, two more successful S. A. M. years. And to Hite Compton, Our Town and extemporaneous speaking.
Helen Goins, will my ability to get along with people to Marsha Gillenwater.
Roger Hendrick, will my Torch Club membership card to Coach Way
Judy Graley, seeing there is no chance of survival, will give Shirk to Jimmy Doyle his sweatshirt. I will nothing to Uncle Harry; I will my ability to "hot rod" in a school zone to "Sir, Greenlee" and to all my teachers I will not to be here next year-I hope.
Rubena Hines, leave my seat in Miss Potts' English class to my sister, Priscilla.
Fred B. Buchanan, being of ? ? mind and body do hereby will and bequeath all my worldly possessions to Alice J Robinette that she might have the same lousy luck I had, but I did have fun.
Donna Harrison, bequeath to any junior who takes PSSC physics, all my fudged experiments
Sam Duncan, being of weak mind and weak body, hereby will my parking place to Jug. P. S. That is school-parking place.
Sue Douglas, being of sound mind and weak body, leave my seat in English to anyone dumb enough to take it and the good times that went with it.
Bob Terrell, being of sound mind and body, will to Mike Tacit my (Gillette 1.95 adjustable razor for the beard he is going to grow over the summer.
Jewell Fannin, do will good ole HHS to all deserving juniors: and my seat in typing to Paulette Napier.
Stu Burkhammer, will my bowling ability to Larry Faulkner, in hopes that he will become a good bowler, and my new finger tip to him, too.
Chuck T. Boggs, will to Alan Wade every little "bit" of PRSSC physics I acquired this year with instructions to keep those electrons flowing.
Martha Johnson, being of sound mind, will all of my peanuts to Bob Lawson, and all of my M & M's to Janet Lawson.
Mary Ellen Maynard, being of sound mind and able body, leave all of my brains and good looks to Jimmy Whitt.
Sharon Clere, being of sound mind and weak body, will to Mr. Brumfield all the kids in class. I also will Karen Clere to Joe McVay.
Joe Alonzo McVay, Jr., being of sick mind and sicker body, will to the DUCK best of LUCK next year with my brother, Jimmy and Willie Bill and their excuses.
Gale Jenkin, being of a sound mind and body, will all my personal belongings to Charlotte Wetherholt.
Carol Beckner, with sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath all my jellybeans to Mr. Brumfield and Dodie Earls.
Dodie Earls, being of sound mind and shaky knees, will to Carolyn Beckner the best of luck with her peanuts and jellybeans.
Barbara Johnson, being of sound mind and body will to too next girl in my place the ability to keep her mouth shut.
Janet Lawson, being of feeble mind and sound body bequeath to Gloria Dial all my good times and my inability to keep my mouth shut.
Deanna Murphy, being in feeble mind and weak body will to my cousin, Wanda Murphy, my locker to clean out.
Walter Bowen, being out of my mind, do hereby will to the next D. E. class my good personality and my old books.
Ralph Ackerman, being of sound body and completely out of my mind, do hereby will to Roberta Kilver my inability to study, my resentment of books, and my locker to clean out.
Linda Osborne, being of weak mind and even weaker body will to Mrs. Heath an "indefinite you" and to Miss Greenawalt a pack of chewing gum. To some aspiring junior I will my seat in shorthand so that he may be the first to see the "tatoo" when he comes in.
Katie Thomasson, being of sound mind and body, do hereby will my seat in Glee Club to Judy Jackson and all the valuable things in my locker to Sharon Jordan.
Alice Thornton, being of sound mind and body, do hereby will and bequeath my unbelievable ability to get along with teachers and deans to any sophomore who is stupid enough to want it.
Mary Louise Stull, being of sound mind and body, do hereby will all my exploding flashbulbs to Miss Yarbrough and to Rusha Rigney my inability to sew hemp on backdrops for the Glee Club.
Bob Wild, do will and bequeath my excellent tennis ability and position on the tennis team, my big feet, and my superior algebra talents to Henry Holswade.
Austin L. S. McGhee, being of sound mind and body do hereby make my last will and testament: I leave my ability to get along with Miss DePrie to Connie Wright.
Nancy Harmon, being of sound mind and junky locker, do hereby will to Jan Rife all the valuable junk in my dilapidated locker.
Christine Yarian, regrettably give up but gladly will to Judy Kirtley my place in the HHS majorette squad for the coming year and to the three new majorettes all the wonderfu1 and exciting experiences I have had this year. To the remaining members of the old squad I will all the wonderful experiences to add to the memories of those we have had together this year.

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