The World Lecture Hall
The Journal Resource
Explain Yourself
Ur Visit My Pleasure
You have reached the home page of Ankur Acharya, a student of Electronics & Communication Engineering at Swami Keshwanand Institute of Technology, Jaipur, INDIA( If you've come here of your own accord (and not by some circuitous link), chances are you know me, or would like to know me better. To this effect, I have thrown in quite a few details which you may or may not care to read! Either way, chill out... First of all my deepest condolences to you for finding yourself here. But do not lose heart. Everything happens for the best, and you will leave this site wiser than you entered. You will have learned, for instance, not to visit it again.

But now that you are here (evil smirk). The less said of my schemes for your entertainment and edification, the better. Well this is the toughest part for any Engineer to write on his homepage and is true for me too .Frankly speaking "About Me" section of any web page is the most boring part unless you really want to know a person whom you have never met. So those who are really interested to know more about me can read further. Ok then here I go...I was born in the colorful city of Jodhpur ,in the state of Rajasthan in the month of September which makes me a Virgoan. My interest in Electronics and related fields lead me to Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics Engineering which I'm currently pursuing.But the irony is that I'm more famous in my Insti(n outta that) for the COMPYGIRI associated with me. It is so 'coz i can hardly stop clicking when I'm free.

I like writing and you happened to be my victim. I would e-mail anyone I knew who showed signs of literacy and humor. If you hate e-mail, let me know and I'll drop your acquaintance. Um, I mean I'll only e-mail you necessary, boring stuff.

In case you were wondering, I have separately typed in and deleted two unnecessary paragraphs that could have gone here. So stop yawning. It is quite rude. Thank you.
Peeps were here
EVERYTHING ROOBISH!!!!! ITZ GOTTA BE CRICKIE FIRST! The other ones are: Programming; Net surfing; Reading articles related to Electronics, Computer & Telecommunication; Travelling; Golf; Soccer; Group Discussion; last but the very basic "VELLAYING n LUKHAYING" ::>>Regular partying is my pulse.check out linxs for more info >>
come on move ur fingers to type a mail...i'll respond 4 sure.:)