

...ends in vain.


Welcome to the Search for a Humble Atenean!



Before we begin, we would like to acknowledge that, yes, we did realize that our chances of success were about as likely as Ateneo winning the 65th UAAP basketball championship.  Yes, the outlook was pretty bleak, but we were giving it a shot... after all, Ateneo did win.

So we set about with the same determination.  By hook or by crook, we were going to find one humble Atenean.

In retrospect, we should have realized that lightning does not strike twice.  Ateneo had won the basketball championship.  The chances of finding a humble Atenean had just dropped from minimal to zero.  Like we said, this realization came in retrospect... we didn't consider that when we started.



We set about to find our rarest of specimens wherever we could.  We conducted a survey.  We interviewed Ateneans.  We interviewed non-Ateneans (that was a mistake!)  We observed Ateneans behaving in work situations, social situations and even internet situations.

Note: If you are just reading this because you want to know the story of our success, forget it.  You might as well just click here and spend your time on more worthwhile endeavors.

Surveys: We sampled 25 Ateneans to understand their perception of themselves.  Each Atenean answered ten (10) items similar to the one below.  Their answers were then tallied.  We were prepared to declare any Atenean who "distinguished" himself as our Humble Atenean.  Sadly, this method resulted in no humble Ateneans.

Sample Item:  I am one of the most humble persons I know (1 - Disagree, 9 - Agree):

                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Interviews: We interviewed ten (10) Ateneans from all walks of life.  Without meaning to preempt the results (and in any case, you already know what they are), we would just like to state here that the end of each interview was like the lifting of a damp and oppressive fog.  Boy, these Ateneans do enjoy listening to their own voices.

We also interviewed four (4) non-Ateneans.  We had intended to interview ten (10) but the extremely negative response we received from the first four was enough to convince us that this would not contribute to our efforts.  We initially thought that by interviewing persons who had been accepted into Ateneo (they had to show us their acceptance letters), we would be able to avoid the anti-Ateneo sentiment that results from such a rejection.  We came away with the conclusion that anti-Ateneo sentiment has far more to do with Ateneans than enrollment policies.


Observation: We unleashed our group of seven (7) researchers -- spies, if you prefer that term -- into the real world in the hopes of capturing live evidence of Atenean Humility.  Our researchers situated themselves close to the Ateneans in their work places and observed them over a minimum period of three (3) weeks.

We also instructed our observers to identify and interact with Ateneans at many social functions.

Finally, we observed the interaction of Ateneans over the internet through the use of "forwarded e-mails" and internet forums (such as, and  In some cases, we asked known agitators to start discussions which we had hoped would uncover their apparently well-hidden humility.


For the Love of God... Why!?!

Good question.  Why would anyone want to invest so much time and effort into what may end up a wild goose chase?  Simple, our group had grown tired of listening to all the arguments based on the Atenean Arrogance Stereotype.  We decided that if we could find one Humble Atenean, we would move on to more interesting ideas...  By now you can probably tell that we have too much time, money and fanaticism with regard to alma maters.

So... on to the Search!