Auto Snapshot Picture

I've programmed my Intel PC Camera Pro Pack to take a picture every 5 minutes, and then post that picture to our home page (Between certain hours of the day).   What you see below is the last picture that was taken, and posted to our home page.  Actually, I now use a software package called WebCam32 to upload the snapshots, as the Intel software had some short comings.

If the picture seems outdated (Date and time are imprinted on the bottom of the picture), you might want to press the Reload or Refresh button of your browser to get the latest picture that was taken.  Some days, we'll point the camera outside where you might see the kids playing on the swing set or in the Elmo sand box.  Other days, you might watch the kids play foosball, or see Micah playing on his play set in the game room, or you might even catch Paula walking on the treadmill.

If the image above doesn't appear to refresh after you've clicked the Refresh or Reload button on your browser, click here to see if you get the latest picture taken and then click the Refresh or Reload button on your browser, return to this page, and hit Reload button on your browser one final time.  That should give you the latest picture.

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