Welcome to our Guestbook!

Sallie Smith - 12/06/00 03:20:30
My URL:www.goldenseal.net
My Email:Sallie@goldenseal.net

We were just loaning out your choir robe to someone last Sunday and then voila! in looking through the St. D's book I came on your web address. I'm glad to see we're not the only ones with a web address. Starting in January I'll be doing a 6-month sabbatical from St. D's to sing with St. Bede's choir and then do an English tour with them at the first of June, 2001. I know you all are having fun. I hope all of you enjoy your French Christmas. Best, Sallie

Alice Rich - 11/24/00 02:03:00
My Email:aainrich@mediaone.net

Hi everyone: I just looked at some of the great pictures. You all look wonderful. The girls have gotten so big and beautiful. Ann and Bill you look happy. We hope to see you soon. Love, Alice, Jack, Katherine, Garrett and Eliana Rich

Barbara and Bill Pruett - 10/26/00 22:01:29
My Email:billpruett@aol.com

We assume you are all having a ball. We often mention you guys at the Wednesday evening St Dunstan's gatherings. All appears well here - but not as exciting as where you are. Fondest regards.

the javadi's - 10/21/00 19:58:55
My Email:ljavadi@mindspring.com

you make us feel like we are there with you...but we still miss you!

Doug Ring - 10/09/00 00:28:56
My Email:dougring@yahoo.com

Bonjour, on a beaucoup apprecier voir les magnifiques photos, on vous envie beaucoup et on espere avoir la chance de vous rendre visite. Salut a la famille, de notre part.

JohnO - 10/05/00 20:19:15
My Email:joutler@siebel.com

You de man! Great site. Major Vicarious experience. JohnO

Steve Ely - 10/04/00 15:31:18
My Email:sely@netvendor.com

Bill - Thanks for the great update! I'm thoroughly jealous, and will try to figure out a way for us to come visit you while you're still there. It sounds absolutely wonderful, and someting I'd seriously like to do with my family.

Anne R, - 10/02/00 03:26:16
My Email:AMR107@aol.com

Finally have a DSL line so I can luxuriate in your web site painlessly. I love the scrap book and miss you and the girls terribly. The puppies are exhausting but very cute (natures way of preventing puppy murder at 2 am). Will e-mail soon. Love, Anne
Catherine and David Bennett - 10/01/00 15:13:17
My Email:dnbennet@aol.com

After viewing your scrapbook, it looks like life consists of beautiful weather, food, and drink! Needless to say, we are more enthused than ever about visiting! We were pleased to see Mr. Huff did make it to France. Love to all. The Bennetts

kaki - 10/01/00 14:46:02
My Email:dnbennet@aol.com

Hope you are having a great time! I'm at my father's office looking at your web site. My dad says that he has a suggestion for your house rules: "Guests are always right!" See you in seven weeks. Love, Kaki

Debbie digate - 09/27/00 18:05:40
My Email:cdigate@mediaone.net

love the scrapbook...hey i tried to sent you an email at huffsinfrance@yahoo.com and it has been returned undeliverable...got any suggestions or did you change the email address? i know their system can't be on strike...can it? haha xxoo dd

Sam and Joanie Ehlers - 09/26/00 01:41:11
My Email:samehlers@earthlink.net

We loved our virtual trip to Aix. It is so pretty - the pictures are great! Where's Bill, always behind the camera? It's so much fun to see those smiling faces. Carter and I are looking forward to being there. Love to all the "Huffs-in- France". Au revo r, Joanie.

matt cafiso - 08/28/00 15:17:33
My Email:mattcaf@mindspring

Bill, sorry I missed you before you left. Wanted to get together one more time. Looks like a great place to be for a year or two.. Has eveyone adapted to the new surrondind yet? I will contact yoiu again in the future...best regards

Chuck - 08/16/00 03:24:30
My Email:cdigate@freescholarships.com

We were thrilled to see you off from Boston to France. I trust you all made it to your villa safely and have settled into a wonderful French routine by now. Best of luck. Love, Chuck (and Debbie and Abigail)

Chuck - 08/16/00 03:23:03


Joe and Sarah - 08/12/00 00:29:56
My Email:j.wilson@wilsonchemel.com

Your most recent guest book comments answered our question. Vous etes deja la. (If you know how to do accents, please let us know). Felicitations! Have a wonderful time.

chuck and debbie - 08/11/00 15:48:08
My Email:cdigate@mediaone.net

well, you are there now and just about over the jet lag. everyone on this side of the "pond" is so so excited for your latest adventure and anxiously await the first report. the web site is brillant..good job y'all. will let you know our travel plans a d what will work best for you...we ARE coming. love to all of you and thanks for the special time together. xxoo

Deborah Cox - 08/10/00 13:54:54
My Email:deborah.cox@xcellenet.com

Greetings, I spent the entire time we were in the South of France being jealous of your year there. What a great house and a wonderful opportunity for all of you. The resturant you recommended was perfect. Janis, her boyfriend who met us for a few days an I left the kids with a pizza at the hotel and enjoyed a long, leisurely dinner there. The oysters and muscles were so good. Our 2.5 weeks in Europe were glorious. The kids are great travelers and I loved being with them for that kind of trip. Work is wor , most of the time I enjoy it, but some days the degree of dysfunctionality is unbelievable. Oh well, on to planning the next vacation. THanks again for the video tapes and the great recommendation. Enjoy!! Deb

Karen - 08/09/00 02:04:25
My Email:riverlook@aol.com

I've been thinking of you all every day lately. you must be stepping foot in the manse any moment now. I do miss you and feel like I never got in a proper farewell and best wishes. Have been esp. thinking of your girls now. Love, Karen

Mona Huff - 08/01/00 01:09:26
My Email:monahuff@bellatlantic.net

I like your site a lot! I can't wait to visit you in Aix. Aunt Mona

Dennis - 07/28/00 03:59:12
My Email:dennis@crumpler.net

Bill - thoroughly enjoyed our bon voyage lunch today, and can't say how happy Maleah and I are for you; this should be an absolutely wonderful time for your family and something unique that will be a lifelong treasure. One last reminder (preached loudly as it doesn't hurt for me to hear it again): there will be hundreds of jobs for you to pick through when you get back, but your family will never again be in the state and stage it is now. So FORGET about work and any an l guilt pangs I'm sure will nick at you, and ENJOY THIS PRECIOUS TIME WITH YOUR GIRLS. See you when you get back (or sooner if we get lost hiking in Italy) D

Gary Palgon - 07/14/00 01:11:03
My Email:gmpalgon@aol.com

I can taste the wine from Atlanta...

Doug Ring - 07/11/00 20:43:51
My Email:dougring@yahoo.com

I'm glad Geac was able to help fund the South of France Expedition. Best of luck in the new digs. If you have any french questions my mother is a french teacher. Unfortunately she speaks québécois.

James & Maria - 07/08/00 02:26:32
My Email:w121@mediaone.net

great page. Just let us know what you miss or need and we'll send CARE packages. (Or perhaps you should send us CARE packages of foie gras and D'Yquem. Lot's of happiness

Mary McCaffrey - 07/07/00 16:16:07
My Email:mary_mccaffrey@timeinc.com

Bon voyage -- I'm definitely envious! The house looks marvelous, do you think the owners would mind if you threw a tag sale??

bill mccaffrey - 07/07/00 14:38:48
My Email:william_mccaffrey@yr.com

Will wonders never cease? You wild & crazy kids. Willy, unfortunately we will be in Montauk when you are in town. You're welcome to visit there if you wish. (Of course the bed in the hotel room might get a bit crowded.)Have a great time. Since we never sa you in Atlanta, maybe we'll make it to France. Au revoir!

Bill and Barbara Pruett - 07/04/00 20:44:57
My Email:billpruett@aol.com

Bon voyage and have a ball. Hope you post your adventures so we can share them.

Libby, Ballard, William and Beth - 06/30/00 22:38:16
My Email:elizabeth.m.ward@mail.sprint.com

We are going to miss you! We will stay in touch!

The Ridenhours - 06/30/00 19:59:32
My Email:ridenhours@mindspring.com

Bonjour!! J'aime vous maison tres bien !! I haven't written in french in many years, obviously. We hope to be able to visit.

bill flynn - 06/28/00 14:47:59
My Email:kmbflynn@earthlink.net

Get Site! Needs Full Motion Video

Lucie Arbuthnot - 06/14/00 15:11:07
My Email:larbut@psouth.net

Great web page! Looking forward to "House Rules" :-) Lucie

Monica - 05/21/00 15:13:40
My Email:mpersch@ix.netcom.com

hi! i'm your cousin/neice alissa's friend. I met you in hilton head! good luck in your new home!

Joe and Sarah - 05/19/00 01:29:00
My Email:SCW52@AOL.COM


Joe and Sarah - 05/19/00 01:27:28


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