Updated on February 1, 2005

Welcome to RoseManor.org. We certainly hope that you enjoy your visit.

Media on this website

All media on this site (e.g. content, scanned images, drawings, clip art, audio files, video files, photography, etc.) is either the original work of the authors of this website or has been obtained from sources that authorize the publishing of their media on other sites. In other words, I either made it or I got it legally. This refers to all media found on the site and all content. If anything can be attributed directly someone else, I've provided appropriate reference information.

If you believe that I have infringed upon your copyrighted material in any way, please contact me immediately via email. I will investigate your claim and, if appropriate, remove the offending material within 10 working days.

Guarantees and Warranties

All content on this website is believed to be up-to-date and accurate. However, we cannot guarantee this, and we make no representation that the information on this site is anything other than our best information at the time it was written. We will make every effort to ensure that links to third-party websites are still working, that time-sensitive information is up-to-date, and that information that we know to be outdated or untrue has been removed. Once again, we cannot guarantee anything other than we're doing our best.