Getting Started

What is HTML?

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language but you really don't need to worry about that. It is the main programming language used to script or "write" websites such as this one. You may be thinking, "Why should I use HTML when there are so many other utilities such as Microsoft Frontpage to make the website for me?" The reason is simple. It is for overall flexibility and control over your website. You can customize and do many things that in such a utility such as Frontpage, it would be very difficult if not impossible. Also, HTML is cool to show off to all of your friends

How to Make Your HTML Pages

This is one way to make an HTML page. There are although many other utilities open to you but this is the basic one. HTML pages can be written in simple text editors such as notepad, wordpad, or Microsoft Word.
VERY IMPORTANT:You just must save the document with a .html right after it. This is such an important detail that I will show you step by step how to do it.

Step 1:Open up any word processing program you have access to such as notepad, wordpad, or Microsoft Word.
Step 2:Go to File, and then Save As.
Step 3:In the FileName box, type in yourtitleforwebsite.html. Remember to put the .html after it.

In this Chapter...

In this chapter, you have learned what HTML is and what it is for. You have learned how you are supposed to make HTML webpages and other important details. In the next chapter, you will actually begin learning HTML and you will make your first website.


In every chapter, there will be a quiz with three or sometimes more questions. The answers are in white text below the questions so just highlight them to see the answers. Have fun!

1. What does HTML stand for?

2. When you save the website, what should the file extension be?

3. What utility can be used to make a webpage?

Answers Below, Highlight to See

1. HyperText Markup Language

2. .html

3. Notepad, wordpad, Microsoft Word, or any other text editing software available.

This basically concludes this chapter. Have fun in the next chapter when we explore

The Basics of HTML