
Hyperlinking is a very important part of a webpage. When you click on a hyperlink, it takes you to another page or part of the website. This element is very important if you have an extremely long website with lots of text and images. It would be best to split your website into parts rather than to put all of your information on one page.

How to Hyperlink

Hyperlinking is simple when you have the hang to it. Hyperlinks go in the paragraph tags, similarly like the font tags. To make a hyperlink, just do this:
<p><a href="http://www.yahoo.com">Yahoo</a></p>

THis may seem quite confusing at first but quickly you will learn and understand it. The hyperlink tag is simblolized to the a, much like the paragraph tag is simbolized by p. The href="http://www.yahoo.com" is telling the web browser that when this text is clicked on, it will go to the the website after the href=. Simple, right?

Changing Hyperlink Color and Font

Changing the color or font of a hyperlink is as simple as adding a font tag in the paragraph tag and around the hyperlink tag. An example would be:
<p><font color="red"><a href="http://www.yahoo.com">Yahoo</a></font></p>

Which would look like this: Yahoo

To change the font, just do the same thing except in the font tag, use size= instead of color=.

In this chapter you have learned how to hyperlink webpages together. You have also learned how to change the color and size of a hyperlink. Wonder into the next section to discover more about

Images in Your Website