10 Days to HTML is a web tutorial
about Developing and Creating Websites
using Hyper Text Markup Language.

This course was developed by
David Karl Roberts,
Web Developer and Instructor
at the Maine College of Art in Portland, Maine

It takes you from the basics of building websites to complex webpage layout techniques, development of multimedia content, user interaction, web theory, and the day to day business and marketing strategies of the World Wide Web.

It is an insightful and realistic look at the World Wide Web designed to help you take control of your own website creation and development.
Roadmap of the Web | Tools and Process | Your First Page | Lists | Hyperlinks and Anchors
Images and Backgrounds | Tables | Frames | Animation | Image Maps | Meta Tags and Keywords
FTP | Forms | Audio and Multimedia | Website Promotion
Special Characters | Color Hex Codes | Glossary

This website sponsored by
P.O. Box 17891
Portland, Maine 04112