Hey! This page will help the NeoHTML make a lot more sense.

What is NeoHTML? | Where can I change my NeoHTML? | Where do I put the HeoHTML? | How do I change my Font Face? | How do I change my Font Color? | How do I change the size of my font? | Are there any other codes? | Can I mix the codes together? | What about my NeoSignature? | What about those dashes? | Finishing Touch!

What is NeoHTML?
NeoHTML is just a spiffy little way to dress your font up a little. You can make it match your font, or just make it colorful. Whatever you prefer this handy little guide will help you out.

Where can I change my NeoHTML
First, choose boards from the yellow-sidebar on any of the neopets pages. Second, choose "Chat Preferences" from the top of the page. From there you can edit your avatar, NeoTitle, NeoSignature, language and how you view other peoples fonts.

Where do I put the NeoHTML?


Font Face
To make your font a different face[what the font looks like] you'll need to use this code:

[font f=which ever font you chose]neoHTML[/font]

There are a few types of font faces support, but please remember that not all internet browsers will support your font. Also if you do not have a certain font installed on your computer, you may not be able to veiw it either.

If you come across anymore fonts, please e-mail
htmlcsshelper@yahoo.com or neomail jpws_number_1_fan.

How do I change my Font Color?
To change your font color you will have to use this code:

[font c=put color of choice here]neoHTML[/font]

There are many colors you may use, but again remember the color of your choice may not show on everyone elses monitor like yours. Also, TNT has banned the color white. Using white will just turn the color of your choice back to black.

How do I change the size of my font?
To change the font you will need to use this code:

[font s=number here]neoHTML[/font]

The numbers you can use are 0,1,2,4, and 5. 0 is the smallest font and 5 is the largest. In most cases you should not go above 3.

Are there any other codes
These are some other codes you may use in your NeoHTML

To break up your font use this-[br]

Can I mix the codes together?
The answer is yes. Mixing codes together is quite simply really. All you have to do is use the codes above. You do not have to use all of the codes, you can use color and face or face and size or size and color, it doesnt matter.

Here is an example of how to mix your codes together:
[b][font c=red f=Courier s=3]neoHTML[/b][/font]

that code will give you this:

What about my NeoSignature
You edit your NeoSignature the same way you edit your NeoHTML, nothing is different.

Why do I have Dashes between my NeoHTML and my NeoSignature when I'm on the Boards?
It is just something that TNT put in there to seperate the two, but there is a way to get rid of it :). Follow these directions carefully!

1.after you have finished your NeoHTML put a [ at the VERY END of it like this:
[font f=Courier]neoHTML[/font][

2.Put a ] at the VERY BEGINING of your NeoSignature like this:
][font f=Courier]Come check out my guild!http://www.neopets.com/guilds/guild.phtml?oid=vampressdotnet[/font]

If you did everything right, those annoying little dashes should now be history.

Finishing Touch!
Lastly, please don't forget to hit the "submit" button. If you don't all your hard work will not be saved and it will all be for nothing.