George H. Bowen

Though God's angels are appointed,
   	Sometimes mortals are anointed
After complicated training which takes years;
And they earn their rightful places
	   With the blessings of God's graces,
And earn hierarchal ranking with their peers.
Found among those chosen few
   	Are the pilots and their crew
Who are carrier-based and fly both night and day;
Whether early-warning defense
	   Or as vanguard of the offense,
They're prepared to meet the challenge either way.
First the fifty states are covered
	   And the candidates discovered
In both cities, towns, and on the fruited plains;
And their preparation's started
   	When their parents have imparted
A sense of personal honor to their brains.
And commitment daily sought
   	Is a rite that they are taught
When the rugged strands of duty first are spun;
Then the Navy has a way
   	To refine these lumps of clay
And re-refine them 'til the job is done.

Warfare hasn't any season,
	   And its underlying reason
Is to take by force or hold in self-defense.
Most combatants in such frays
	   Often show in countless ways
Valor far beyond the bounds of common sense;
Whether enemy or friend,
	   The main message they all send
Is that courage is the coinage of the game.
Looking back at World War Two,
	   Of the very brave who flew,
Bombing Nineteen was a bearer of the flame.
They were better than the best--
	   Sank more tonnage than the rest
Of all the carrier groups who ranged the ocean;
And although they never knew,
	   God anointed these bold few
For duty, dedication and devotion.
Though their temporary host
   	Was the carrier "Blue Ghost",
(Often claimed as sunk by cryptic Tokyo Rose),
Off they flew in Furies' face,
	   And some died without a trace,
Yet these warriors broke the foe with mortal blows.

So be heartened when you see
	   Giant thunderheads at sea,
Which are pillars of support for Heaven's floor;
Bombing Nineteen's missing mates
   	Fly above Saint Peter's gates
With wings of honor forged by flames of war.
