November Birthdays

November Birthdays

Happy Birthday to these members who have birthdays in November! I am sure they would love to get a card or a greeting from you!



Jan Davis 11/01

Tina Lee 11/05

Carol Strong 11/05

Shirley Tenbrunsel 11/06

Bitsy Snow 11/07

Patricia Amon 11/08

Teresa Belyea 11/08

Fiona Bevis 11/08

Claire Davies 11/08

Larhue Johnson 11/13

Mabel Albright 11/15

Lura Mae Smithey 11/17

Janet Worley 11/18

Carol Bohon 11/19

Randy Nash 11/20

Betty Sak 11/22

Carol Whitehead 11/22

Susie Braund 11/23

Jennifer Bridges 11/23

Sue Dowler 11/25


Again, Happy Birthday Members! We hope all of your stitches are puuurrrfect this year!