Welcome to the HPW Feedback page this is the page where you can talk back!
Have a question you would ot ask us or sent us a commet? Then you can e-mail us at hpw@hpw.zzn.com or you can talk with us directly if you have AOL Instant Messenger. If you do have AOL Instant Messenger then feel free to Instant Messenge us at HPW Wrestling. NOTE: Unlike other wrestling feds we DO accept ideas for storylines, matches, etc. So if you have an idea feel free to e-mail it to us at hpw@hpw.zzn.com
HPW Messenge Forum
On the HPW Messenge Forum you can post messenges about the HPW and also read what other viewers have to say about the HPW. Click on the link below to view and/or post on the HPW Messenge Forum.