New TIDE with BLEACH! (I mean, Welcome to loneSAILOR)

Great! You found who you were looking for. Now what, Mr. Smarty Pants? Hmm...?

Answer: Have the person contact you using the information you provide. The Navy Memorial Foundation will act as the third party.

Make the First Move

1974's Privacy Act prohibits the release of personal information, in order to protect citizens from records abuse at the hands of Federal Agencies. In other words, no government agency will hand you a government worker's records and files. This includes addresses, and other relative information. They can, however, forward your request for contact to the person you're trying to reach. They'll pass on your contact info to John Doe's last known address on file—if they have it, and if John Doe decides to reply to you. Hey, it's worth a shot.


Write a note
Incorporate either your address, email, phone, fax, or what have you so John Doe has references to get a hold of you.


Get an envelope
Place the note inside and seal it. Attach first class postage to the envelope.


Send it
Address the letter-to-be-forwarded to:

The Navy Log, U.S. Navy Memorial Foundation, 701 Pennsylvania Ave.,NW, Suite 123, Washington, DC 20004


Wait for a reply
Sit back and have a cold beer/ice tea while you wait (hope) for John Doe to get back to you. Remember, there is no guarantee that the Navy Log has his/her address on file. But if you're not the passive kind, go back to the introduction and scan your other options.

Get your endless supply of bull$^*# right here!