Welcome to the Official Baby Daddy Club. Im the site mistress, Desi. I hope you enjoy your time here. Feel free to browse club members, send email or whatever else you feel like doing on the site.

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Membership Requirements
These are the requirements one must meet to be considered for a possible membership.

Club Members
These are the select few guys who are members at this moment in time. There are a few already...and I'll induct them as I see them

These guys are just a hop, skip, and a jump away from a lifetime club membership. They are the next possible inductees.

Former Club Members
Although the Baby Daddy Club has a lifetime membership...some members are just well...demoted in a way. They get to impregnate me last if ever. A baby daddy may be demoted for many reasons: they have become lame, my affection for them has run dry, they're old and overly crusty...things like that. Demotion almost certainly means permanent. As in once down...there's an excellent chance...you can't get back up. But at least I haven't had to banish anyone..yet...

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
People e-mail me with more questions about my club, my site, and about me personally...I've taken time to answer them...read 'em for a better understanding of my site

Read my first attempt at writing a fan fic starring, Jeff Hardy. I wrote this after reading a few fan fics and thinking, "I can do that..." Please tell me what you think.

I would like to thank my site's patrons (questions and comments are welcome at tennbrat@aol.com), I would also like to thank the club members for being sexy and their parents...for making them sexy, and Barry White for providing the music their parents were probably listening to when they were conceived, ...(it goes on...but I'll spare you...)

© 2002 Desi, Official Club President