Julian's Journal
Hi, my name is Julian Thomas.

I was born on January 17th, 2006.   My birth was a huge surprise, since I came exactly 13 weeks early!   
I measured 14.5 inches and weighed 2 pounds 5 ounces.

You may read my mommy's pregnancy & baby journal, using the links below. *   It's quite a story!      Mommy will be adding updates on me as often as she can!

I have two older brothers at home.  
Eric Truman is 7 yrs older than me; and Jamie Welles is 5 yrs older than me.   I have 2 older brothers who are in Heaven with Jesus:  Ezra John and Lucas Ryley.   Three other older siblings June, Gale, and Angel are also in Heaven.   And now I have a baby sister, Kristen Lucille!
2 weeks old
Please Note:  This is my personal journal, so please remember that feelings, beliefs,
and opinions expressed are my personal ones, and not a reflection on anyone else.  
Abby Howard, Julian's mom.
Pg Journal Part I - Prologue
Belly Pics
Pg Journal Part II - We are PREGNANT !!!
Ultrasound Pics
Birth/Newborn Pics
Pg Journal Part III - Second Trimester
Pg Journal Part IV - Third Trimester & BIRTH !!! More Newborn Pics
Julian - 1 month old
Baby Julian's NICU stay - Part I
Julian - 2 months old
Baby Julian's NICU stay - Part II
Home-coming Pics
Baby Julian is HOME now !!!
Julian Grows - June--August As he grows...
Julian - September--early January
Some Favorite Pics
Julian - One Year and counting
Julian - 15 mos and more
Getting all big!
Julian is TWO!!!
Pics - 2 yrs and up

Difficult things are a whole lot easier to deal with when you have a
             POSITIVE OUTLOOK!

   A great quote I just came across recently---I think it says it all!

"A negative attitude is like a flat tire. You're not    
     going far until you
change it."