Mike Michael C. Jewett

Mike was born February 24th, 1977 in a small town called Vincennes, Indiana ("2 Billion Years Tidal Wave Free"). Growing up in Southern California proved to be perfect for Mr. Mike as he decided, upon graduating from Pacifica High School (Go Mariners), to attend UCLA and major in Biomechanicalcomputercivil Engineering . . . with a minor in French. Okay, so the minor was a lie, but seeing that we can never remember what branch of Engineering he did, we are just going to say he did all of them (do you doubt that he could have)!?

While at UCLA, Mike participated in the UCLA Marching Band as a devoted Clarinet Player (always at attention -- no lie) and then as the Drum Major (again, always at attention). It was in the latter position where Mike christened the now infamous "Jewett Jump" (a li'l leap anytime there were any hard "drum corp" style accents in a field show piece). Although, there is no way to explain it without having him actually show you, it has to do with making the top and bottom edges of a box with your arms and then pretend like you are flipping the box over 180 degrees. Again, e-mail Mike and ask him to explain it!

In the mean time, Mike could be found leading another class of KKPsi hopefuls through the candidate process, tutoring at the then "LuValle Commons", or hanging out with the always alluring Megan Beltran who poses the following question to all of those reading this, "Did you know that he is probably the most wonderful person that I know?" She is either 1). high 2). FORGETTING ABOUT VINCE VILLANUEVA, or 3). talking with her heart. Knowing Meg, I would say that she is ROCKIN' THE GANJ! Just kidding. Pick 3). and keep reading.

Okay, enough mush about Mike (or MC Wicka-Wicka as he was known in his wild and crazy college days). It's time to expose the dirt on Michael Christopher. Okay, there really is none. Mike was a Senior in college when he blessed the House with his Love and is currently pursuing a Doctorate at Stanford University!

As a Pisces, he is free of negative influences, however, he is cheerful and sensual and quietly appreciative of life's pleasures. He loves Chinese Food, Teddy Bears, and "lettin' 'em rip" when the time calls for it.

Ladies and gentlemen. Children of all ages, I present to you, Mike Jewett!

E-mail Mike

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